Sep 16, 2004 14:57
Sensei shared a wrather gruesome story last night about one of his friends. Apperntly this guy was on some kinda drug binge, and for some random other purpose was dragged of to jail. Apparently, this guy was seeing things in his cell, and decided to rip his eyes out. So he did. Anyway, he called the guards over and they grossed out and eventually got him to a hospital, but the guy still has no eyes. This guy then proceeded to sue the police for not sending him to a hospital, and won the case yada yada yada. Being 1972 or so, no one thought to take his driver's license away. SO he drive around in Baltimore, blind, without anyone caring for TWO YEARS before someone finally figured it out.
I just thought you'd all like to know. A lovely mental picture of ripping out eyes, I know.
On an unrelated note:
Last night I stayed up kinda late-ish to watch Coctail. Having random Jewish holidays off is awesome. I didn't get up until 1:30 today.
I have discovered that I am nowhere near as good a DDR player than I was last year. Granted, I'm still in no way shabby at it, I've done better. On the other hand, this may have something to do with Meredith leaving me with the shitty mat to play on. We shall see tomorrow when I go visit her and get to use a non-shitty mat.
Seeing as Meredith has yet to contact me on what she wishes me to bring, I'm taking an educated guess. Meredith: there is this thing called communication, you need to learn how to use it.
I must go practice my sax now.
love & peace,