Apr 13, 2007 00:01

Name: Miyuki Ishida 「石田美幸」
Age: 16
Birthday: June 6 (Gemini)
Grade Average: A

Miyuki grew up with her twin brother and parents in Nagoya. Her dad, Hisao, was a regular old salaryman, and her mom, Eriko, was a nurse. How ironic. Both twins were constantly being shuttled from doctor to doctor, specialist to specialist, and hospital to hospital for various medical problems, injuries, and other issues. Miyuki also has asthma, but she still doesn't know whether she actually has it or she's just creating the symptoms out of stress.

When the twins were ten, their mom got pregnant again. Even though the family probably couldn't afford another kid, their father thought that maybe a new baby would help rescue his marriage and possibly even keep Eriko from obsessively sending the twins to doctors all the time. This plan... failed. And soon Kaiyo started to get sick, too. :|

When Miyuki and Seikou were fourteen, their little sister was hospitalized several times in as many months and the twins themselves were questioned by a suspicious doctor about their medical history. Eventually it came out that Eriko had been poisoning her own kid for attention (and had mostly been fabricating, exaggerating or even causing all of the twins' medical problems, too). She was arrested and jailed.

Despite the fact that he'd been suspicious for a while, their dad had basically been turning a blind eye to Mrs. Ishida's craziness, and it took this revelation to get him to divorce her and get the kids away from her. He eventually moved them all to a town in Fukushima prefecture and signed the twins up for boarding school.

Since then, Miyuki and Seikou have been spending most of their time at the Haramichi Experimental Institute and only spending school holidays with their dad and sister. Their mother was released from prison after a year and a half, but she has to live in Nagoya and legally can't see or contact the kids until they turn twenty. She did find out where the twins go to school and likes to send them guilt-tripping letters every few weeks, though.


Miyuki is average height for a girl - 5'3''. She's thin, but not too thin for her height. Her hair is a dark brown and she either wears it down, where it usually looks sort of toussled and messy, or up in a ponytail.

Miyuki has one scar on her lower right side from when she got her appendix out when she was thirteen and one biggish scar just below her left shoulder blade from when she had ~*~exploratory surgery~*~ for issues with her lungs when she was eleven.

She tends to dress on the more tomboyish side and will happily sit around in cutoffs and a T-shirt or a tank top and ripped up jeans, and the only time she wears skirts is when she's in her school uniform. When she's in her uniform she tends to look much more girly in general. She doesn't wear makeup, like, ever - the closest she usually comes is putting on lip balm.

In general, Miyuki has a tough skin and doesn't really care what people think about her. She does want to be liked - she is a teenage girl - but she can usually let insults roll off her back, although she doesn't have a problem standing up for herself or other people if it comes down to it.

She's not shy, but she doesn't like to waste words, so she tends to be quiet, especially around people she doesn't know, and this can be taken the wrong way by certain people. For the most part, she's down to earth and friendly, but she doesn't waste time on morons or assholes.

Miyuki likes to look like she has everything in control, from her relationships with her family, friends and guys to her grades in school. This causes a lot of stress for her when things inevitably don't end up being perfect, and the truth is that she's a very stressed out, self-critical person in general, although on the outside she strives to appear mature and calm about everything.

She relies heavily on pills (uppers in the morning, downers at night) to help her concentrate and to sleep at night. She knows she's addicted to them and that it's not a good thing, but she views the effort of stopping and then going through withdrawal to be too scary and frustrating.

She sells pills and pot to classmates, but she's pretty secretive about that. Even so, she knows people talk, especially the people in her class. Still, she manages to come across as cool and collected for the most part.

Oh, she's also a big government supporter, booyah.

[Calm & Resilient]
Miyuki is a pretty calm person in general and it takes a lot to work her up. She can take most of what life throws at her with maturity and practicality. Even when she does panic, it's mostly internal panic and nobody watching her would even be able to tell. She doesn't quit when things get tough.

Miyuki's always had goals in mind for her life, and she will achieve those goals. No matter what. :| She wants to be sucessful and that's mostly why she's such a perfectionist about her grades and life in general. She does what it takes to come out on top. Oh yes.

Miyuki sells and trades prescription pills to her classmates, and none of her teachers have a clue. She sneaks out on weekends to sleep with a guy who lives in Haramachi and yet she never gets written up for missing curfew at school. Even when having a conversation with her, unless you know her well, it's hard to tell what she's really thinking.

She's had it since she was a kid and can deal with it pretty well by now. Her asthma attacks aren't usually very bad, but even the mild ones require her to sit and rest for a while, and the more severe ones can knock her out for hours. Mostly her asthma is brought on by anxiety, but cold weather or already having a cold can make her more likely to have an attack.

[Addicted to Pills]
Miyuki is addicted to prescription pills, not crack, so it's not like she isn't functional. But she's dependent on the pills to help her focus and even to sleep at night, and if she stops taking them, she goes through bad withdrawal.

Underneath her calm, confident persona, Miyuki is a really insecure person. She has a lot of issues and doesn't really like herself a lot of the time. This is part of the reason why she started taking pills in the first place. This insecurity also causes her to make some less-than-smart decisions, and that only makes the whole cycle repeat itself.

[Notable Interests]
Miyuki has always been into art. She mostly sticks to painting, but she sometimes tries other things, like illustration and photography.

It's not uncommon to see Miyuki with her camcorder. She films her own documentary-style videos and edits them. Some of the stuff she's done includes a montage of her brother falling off various things, people's reactions to one of her classmates having what looks like a seizure, and a tour of Haramichi, complete with her own commentary.

[Overnight Bag]
Clothes; toiletries; spray paint; her video camera; gloves; unlabeled bottle with different pills inside; batteries; a box of cookies; cell phone; laser pointer; lavender hand lotion; inhaler.

[Random Facts]
♣ Miyuki is fourteen minutes older than Seikou. She does not hold this over his head or brag about being older because that would be lame.
♣ She wants to be a teacher when she grows up.
♣ Miyuki actually likes math and also enjoys working through problems in her textbook when she's stressed out. It calms her.

[Father] - Hisao Ishida 「石田尚生」, 44. Miyuki has mixed feelings about her father. On the one hand, she thinks it was kind of ass-tastic how he ignored all his wife's issues until it was too late to do anything about them. But on the other hand, at least he didn't try to poison them. She has a sort of awkward relationship with him. They love each other, but they don't talk a whole lot and when they do it tends to be kind of stilted.

[Mother] - Eriko Ishida 「石田恵理子」, 44. Miyuki is all screwed up about her mother. She knows her mom has mental issues that will probably never get fixed. But at the same time, Miyuki's mom sends her guilt-tripping "don't you love me? why don't you call me?" letters on a regular basis, so Miyuki ends up pitying, loving, resenting and being afraid of her mother all at the same time. It's complicated. She doesn't like to talk about her.

[Brother] - Seikou Ishida 「石田正興」, 16. Miyuki's twin. He's really the only person who understands about their screwed up family. They're pretty close and hang out a lot, although they're not inseperable. Still, Seikou is pretty much the only person Miyuki lets her guard down in front of, and they do have a close bond.

[Sister] Kaiyo Ishida 「石田佳代」, 6. A cute, slightly bratty kid. Miyuki thinks she's cute but doesn't really know how to talk to or get along with her because the age difference is so big. Not living at home anymore doesn't help with that, either. She also feels bad for Kaiyo because the kid is basically growing up without a mother, although she doesn't want to step in and fill that role herself, either.

[Extra-Curricular Activities]
[Art Club]
Miyuki goes if she's not doing other stuff after school, so her attendance is sporadic at best. But she does really like going.

[Yearbook Club]
She mostly joined to make herself look more responsible. She thinks the club president (Yukio) is annoying, but she puts up with him. Mostly she tries to get out of meetings by volunteering to take candid photographs.

[Classroom Behavior]
"Miyuki is a quiet and mature student. She goes above and beyond when it comes to schoolwork. She seems sociable enough and has her own friends, but I wonder if she would be quite as outgoing if she and Seikou were in different classes."

[Classroom Clique]
Nerd Herd.

Straight fucking As.

[Memorable Moments]

Seikou Ishida: Miyuki's twin brother. See family.

Taichi Nawabe: Miyuki sells him pills and once in a while, morphine, although that's really hard for her to come by. They have more of a business relationship than a friendship, but Miyuki thinks he's hot.

Ryo Ikeuchi: Miyuki always thought he was kind of a tool, but after they got into a fight in the middle of class and he punched her in the back of the head, she started to really hate him.

Hideaki Yuasa: She hates him because he beats up on Seikou, but she's also sort of scared of him, so she never confronts him directly. He's an ass to her, too, though, probably because she's Seikou's sister.

Itsuo Tateno: Miyuki's nerdy not!boyfriend. She's had a major crush on him ever since they met, and since she's totally awkward about it, everyone probably knows or at least suspects. Including Itsuo.

Ryuji Miyosaka: He buys pain meds from Miyuki. They have some stuff in common, so they're casual friends.

Raiden Shindou: They met through Itsuo. Miyuki thinks Raiden is sort of a dumbass, but since they have so many mutual friends, she tolerates him. He's not mean or anything, so it could be worse.

Kentaro Fukushima: Seikou's biffer. They're friends, but they don't hang out alone very much... usually just as a last resort if no one else is around.

Hisa Aimono: Miyuki sold her some pills once, but Hisa got caught showing them off, so Miyuki blacklisted her.

Mami Hanasaki: Miyuki's roommate. They get along pretty well.

Sayuri Ono: Miyuki sells her anti-deppressants. They get along fine, although they're not close friends.

Hanako Iso: They get along because Miyuki doesn't spend enough time with Hanako to realize she's a backstabbing bitch.

Yoko Shimzuki: They get along??

Lily Ogawa: Miyuki's friend, even though she has a dirty foreign name. Lily is more laid back than Miyuki, but she's friends with Taylor, so things even out.

Kaoru Ishibashi: Just a bitch. Miyuki's sold pills to her once or twice, but otherwise they don't really interact.

Raina Yoshizawa: Miyuki's shy biffer. They have lots in common. Miyuki tries to look out for Raina without going so far as to coddle her.

ooc: profile

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