Happy 17th birthday,
xgothikaroidx !! I LOVE YOUUUUUU!! ♥ Since you've already gotten my present, I was thinking I could give you that other thing you wanted for Christmas instead? Let me know :3
I watched "Brokeback Mountain" yesterday because I wanted to see some boy-on-boy action I've heard it's a great movie. And it was great! ♥ Except I hated the ending. HATED HATED HATED HATED HATED. I normally get over sad endings pretty quickly, but this one really bothered me >__<
My illustration teacher was involved in a car crash yesterday!! :O Her car was completely destroyed, but she's OK, thank God!! ♥ Our classes with her today has been cancelled, and it's now four hours til my next one today... I think I'm gonna skip it... I don't feel like waiting FOUR freaking hours for two classes. If I leave early I'll be home at noon, but if I stay in school I will be home at 8pm!! Imagine that, four hours now make a difference of eight hours later... o__0;;;;;
Anyways... nowadays I fall asleep on the train all the time. I remember the old days when I never fell asleep! But now it happens both on the way there and on the way home... I'm constantly tired, and I have no idea why! I'm getting enough sleep, so it's not that... Plus the mornings these past three days have been filled with anguish... It always disappears later on, but it's not a nice feeling to wake up to ;__;
Aaaaannnnndddddd... there is no end to my fangirling:
Tora looks soooooooooooooooooooooooooo awesome and Saga omgsdgdfasgdfagsfgsgssssssssssssss!!!!1