Hmm....8:30 am. that pretty early for me to get up. Well, my grandma called, left a message on the phone so that woke me up. I would have answered the phone but I didn't wake up enough to actually do so. I just heard the phone ring, then her leave a short message. But by the time she hung up I was awake. Too late to answer the phone though. Not sure why she called. She likes the phone about as much as I do, which is to say she hates it., yeah. I'm kinda concerned. She just said to have my dad give her a call, so I got a hold of my mom, who was with my dad and had a cell phone that grandma wanted him to call.
...they did just write us saying my grandpa has gotten cancer of some kind. And she did sound kinda upset. I wonder if he's dead? I hope not. Even though I wasn't close to him at all...I don't want him to die. I've never had anyone closeish die to me before. I'm not sure how I feel. I mean...he might be fine and grandma just wants to talk to my dad.
WELL! No use worrying about that right now. I'll be sad or worry later when I know what's going on.
So, yesterday I got my
Buttonmen I'm liking Gil's and Klaus' buttons the most. I'm amused by the paper that comes with them that describes them. Klaus' says "Klaus likes to find out what makes people tick. Usually, once he's found out, they don't tick anymore." and Gil's says "Gil is home from school and learning to run the family business- world domination." And then Gil has his lightning rod and lightning is in the background. What's cool about Gil's is that I'm pretty sure this was made before the whole lightning rod part of the story. For one thing, his outfit is different and the coloring looks different from Cheyenne's coloring. Why do I think this? Because we first see the lighting rod (I think) on March 28, 2007. They stopped selling the buttonmen from Cheapass Games website as of March 1, 2006. Now, I suppose they have the items there and just link them even though they don't sell them. But they no longer sell the games at the site that is supposed to sell them. Which leads me to believe they have been out of print for a little while. Bah, now I want to know. When was the game made? I must look it up.
I know most people don't care, but World of Warcraft update. I have created, in the last week, about 3 priests, all on different servers. We finally convinced our firends to go to the server that we used to play on, and have a lot of friends with. Basically, one of them was concerned that she'd be leveling all alone if we went to that server. We told her, no, we will create a character to level with you. We will only play this character with you and we will not give out characters anything that would give them an advantage over her. This merely allows us to play our mains when she isn't on, yet see immediately when she comes on so we can switch characters. I think she was happy with this. Especially when we created characters and started grouping and questing with her right from the start. I think that made her realize that we would seriously level with her and not powerlevel to 70 while she is still 20. So, hopefully, everyone is happy. We all get to talk, we will level with her so she isn't alone, and we get to be on the server with our friends.