#76. KoDa and hugs ^^ (and a little bit fangirling :P)

May 23, 2012 15:37

Koki x Tacchan ^^

I recommend this post to jarithka  ^^♥ (hasonló kaliberűekre számíts, mint amit átküldtem üziben :P)

Koki's quotes about hug:

Q: Do you like hug or not?
Koki: To hug other generally is hard because this is a performance of love.

okay, can I hug you? *______*

Q: Lately what have u hug?
Koki: Well, when sleep I like catch the quilt so comfortable HAHA

okay, I changed my life's goal: I wanna be his quilt ♥ ♥ ♥


Ueda's quotes about hug:

Ueda likes to hug his partner from both in front and behind. If he's being hug, he likes her to bury her face in his chest.

Q: Recently what have you been hugging?
Tacchan: Massage pillow. (When I'm free I do massage, the massage lady said : " here is a pillow for you to hug " I hug the pillow through the whole massage (laugh).

Q: When you are huging others, which reaction of them will makes you happy? 
Tacchan: If they reject me, I will be sad [all reaction is ok. And it depends on the other's feelings. But if they say "yamede", it will make me unhappy. Even they reject because of being shy, I will also be sad.]

Q: Where do you want to be embraced, from the front? Back? Or the side?
Tacchan: I like both front and back. When you hug (surprise attack) that person the behind while that person is doing something is effective right? When getting hugged by the other person from the front,that other person put their head on my chest , so i like from the front (laugh).

/credits: megan, mone, michelle and KAT-TUN is Love/

KoDa touch during the concert ^^

And awww, 17 years old Koki *_____________*♥
I wanna go back in the time ><

Hehe, that's all ^^
(the pictures and gifs are from tumblr)

tatsuya ueda, koki tanaka, koda

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