My tweets

Feb 04, 2011 12:17

  • Thu, 13:49: @ MikeQuimbyMusic where on earth *are* you?
  • Thu, 13:59: I got a callback about a job in a West End Theatre, but I didn't pick up and now she's in a meeting :( argh
  • Thu, 14:17: Oh LOL! A Jewish Social networking bot just added me on Twitter. :D
  • Thu, 15:08: RT @ EmmyThomps: I wish JK Rowling had never told me she based the character of Viktor Krum on Borat. It makes reading him virtually impo ...
  • Thu, 15:09: How is it 3? I have 3 hours in which to do a multitude of stuff.. fuck fuck *BRAINSPLODE* Imma eat some mac and cheese now.
  • Thu, 16:28: @ GeorgeTakei is so dirty and hilarious, I feel like my childhood has been sullied but I don't mind that much... Ha.
  • Thu, 17:02: I hate being an alto.
  • Thu, 18:06: RT @ sarramanning: My other good news for today is the launch of my first proper website. (More to be added ...
  • Thu, 18:11: NYN duet. Upset it wasn't how I imagined it. But okay, okay I get it.
  • Thu, 18:32: RT @ Ashley_Fink: So the duck went to cross the road, and the chicken quickly stopped him and said, "Don't do it, you'll never hear the e ...
  • Thu, 18:37: Omg. Going to be disconnected from the internet for 2 days! D:!! @ nataliefisher if anything exciting happens dm or email me as soon as!
  • Thu, 21:45: I love fish pie! I love my grandparents! OM NOM NOM! Next is bread and butter pudding and then cheeseboard!
  • Thu, 23:01: My granddad dribbled on my cheese :/
  • Thu, 23:23: Clare Short is my Professor Umbridge


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