My entry got deleted. I hate it & I'm going to stab my computer now. again. because I still feel the same.
It's hard for me to express the feelings I have towards this band. When I see them, I smile. And it's a real smile, I get a strange feeling in my chest&belly whenever they move or smile. It makes me happy to see them. And then I don't need anyone or anything anymore. It's just enough to see them. It's strange and I think I'm a little psycho. But who cares I'm happy with it. I'd like to thank them again, but in another way because I really want to show them how I feel when I listen to their music. But it's hard for me to express, as I said.
I also recognized that a lot of people write kagrra, without ,. I have to admit that ..I hate it. XD I'm sorry, I wasl ike: omfg why's everybody curious just because they changed their name into Kagrra, when they changed it but I got used to it. well, this sentence is nonsense haha.. ♥
Anyways I got the new KAGRRA, NO SU today. I've been waiting for a week for it now because n showtime my computer didn't allow me to watch it (i love you too baby!). I've been tortured and punished with screenshots (XD!!@kei & mi) but now FINALLY! *sobs* & I love it. Just as I lvoe every Video Kagrra, do. It's something special I never ever want to miss because I love the way they get a whole video online every 1 days only for us fans &it's always madewith so much love. I love that ; _ ; thank you!!
However you can see every member of kagrra, except Izumi on these picture. They have to do sit ups because Izumi toldthem to, hahahaaaaaa! because he won the ORANJI JUSUUU game. all members have to find out which orange juice brand they drank with eyes closed. idiots. lovely idiots of course. ♥
1rst: IZUMI-SAN!
He gets his juice, tasts & wins. He's super cool!
I think his tasted the best, I can rememberdrinking it once but I'm not sure about it. Well, however. I could never taste a brand like that. I mean Qoo and Nat-chan, thats really easy but the rest '_'
2nd: SHIN-SAN!
Shins drinks and needs 6 times to get the real orange juice. ALTHOUGH it's nat-chan. I mean, its really easy to taste that haha! But Isshi is having a lot of fun and I love his face on the 3rd picture so much! <3
Drinks, I think it tastes really disgusting, kinda bitter &stuffs because he doesn't seem to like it very much (?). However he needs two tries and finds out. Isshi is having a lot of fun because Nao thinks hewins &isshi's like so disappointing him! I love the 3rd picture. ; _ ; MY HEROES!
4th: I-SAMA
drinks, gets water first (nao's revenge number 1?), drinks, loses 2 times (nao's revenge part 2) & naos happy with it heheee ♥ and finally wins!
ITS OS EASY! OMG! QOO! everyone can taste the difference between all the other orange juices but akiya doesnt arghhh he also thinks about taking nat-chan! (MON DIEU!) but after one try he finds out.