troublesome part 2

Nov 08, 2007 01:30

this is the continue story from my last entry.

I talked about I' ve troubled when purchasing CD at Brand-X
After I got the wrong DVD, and then I send it back to them.
I got charge for shipment Rp. 52.000,- but i told to them for repaying me 1000 yen whereas the amount less than that.. huahahaha..*sly*
they deserved it

then, Brand-X emailed me two days ago.
they'd have received my package that contain Despa Liquidize DVD.
They said very very sorry about this trouble and send the right DVD immediately.

It'll be arrived more or less 5 days.

i just hope that repay money will not be lost.
since the package should be checked by customs officer.
I hope they're smart enough to hiding it into safe place.
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