ah...i didn't write here like....more than half a year?????
but i do log in to read my friend's entries from time to time. sorry i don't comment, because i don't know if that'll be too sudden > < (to everyone else, it just seems like i'm no longer active here @@) so sorry > <
but this place is like my little secret place to write and post stuff >8D
people i know in taiwan barely know this place exist. that's good^^
to start things off, i bleached my hair blond since decemeber!!!!!!!!(i know, ages ago)
and i cosplay koolon team cos!!!!!!!!!!!!
i really love my costeam >///////////////////<
everyone is so perfect and so nice!!!!!!
nao!!!!! cute and shy!!!! she made the pants for all of us! thank you so much *hugs and kisses*
hiroto!!!!! i love how her hair came out >///////< so sweet and funny, and everyone that day is wearing high heels except her, so she's extremely cute and short that day^^
saga!!!! i love you so much!!!!!! because the costume took ages, i didn't get a chance to see everyone do their makeup tests and pre-photo shots, and i'm really worried. but after i saw you, I AM SHOCKED!!!!!! i was like: you are too shiny!!!! DO I KNOW YOU???? XDDDDDDDD
tora!!!!! my best buddy!!!!!!! we worked so hard on this costume, and thanks so much for checking on everyone's progress all the time. i really can't hold on that long if it were't for you^^
me!!!! i paint the costume god damn it XDDDDDDDDD it KILLS MY BACK!!!!!!!!!! i think it took like a week or something. i thought we'll NEVER get it done > <
but it's amazing, i love the result, and it's my dream cos. i am so glad i am able to do this costume, and work with my best friends.
i know there are still little parts that are wrong or could be better, but we all did our best. the costume took almost half a year to get done. we start from scratch, we analyze the outfit, draw out the diagrams, buy fabric, buy diamond pieces, shoes, necklaces, gadgets, sewing sewing sewing, and then the god damn PAINTING it.
oh, i also drew nao's dragon tatoo XD i love it, our nao-san went to a shop and make it into a REAL tatoo and the result is amazing.
there are just too many photos, if anyone is interested, please visit the album:
http://album.webs-tv.net/kk130&folder=2237164 puri kuwa is love~~~~~~~~~
the outfit practically kills her. just finding the fabric took ages. it seems like that there is no fabric that have gold stripes, so the gold stripes are tailored on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love her so much >/////////////< can't wait to go dating with her XDDDDDDD
we're actually going to do cassis photo shoots today (the title will be "ruki dating uruha" XD) but it's raining, plus i'm sick to death. so we changed the schedule to next week^^
and sadly i'm going to stop cosplaying for a while now. i'm going to do cassis photo shoot and another "secret" koolon photo shoot, and that's it. my black hair is all appearing now, i look like shit right now. plus i'm letting my hair grow long, and i'm going to dye it a dark color (brown and black) and then perm the top curly and puffy.
well, i will try anyways^^ and maybe in the future i will change my style back. either way, i will love visual rock forever.
it has changed and influenced me beyond my imagination, without it, i will probably be just an OTAKU XDDDDDDD
oh, i also went to my friend's band's show. they are R13 and Naraku.
this is the photo shoot they did together after the live was over.
i was so great!!! and i'm supposed to be taking photos for my friends on stage, but they are on the opposide side of the stage from me XDDDDD but great show all the same, i'm sooooo going again next time >w<
and this is a recent photo of me.
see? i'm letting my hair grow now. i so wish it can grow faster, really can't wait to change my hair now > <
let's see....what else is going around.....
i'm just studying and doing homework now since school started. and i will start working for my university's webpage tomorrow! my third job ever!!!!! *hyper* but i don't know if i'm good enough, since i didn't learn how to use FLASH yet > <
this is something i did for our calendar project. but when i'm almost done with 12 months of the year, they said it's cancelled. and i'm like...WTF?? i devoted my whole winter break on it god damn it! but anyways, i like this one the best. the outline is all hand drawn, cause i don't know how to use illustrator to do the vector drawing. but now that i know how illlustration works, i still prefer hand drawn.
wow, i blabble so much, i guess no one reads it. if you do, please comment! and i will think about writing more or more often^^
if no, maybe everyone will have to wait for half a year again >8D