aahhhhhh, i've been waiting so long to write this post, lol. FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!! well, a typhoon just came to taiwan, and it's not completely gone yet, so when we're taking the photos in the park, IT IS RAINING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and it's not just any ordinary park, the park is called "榮星花園", and it's located very very very close to my house. AND IT IS THE PARK THAT GACKT AND HYDE SHOT THE MOVIE "MOON CHILD"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (does anyone remember the scene when his friend died, and it's all rainy? yep, it's that place) i hope some people recognize the trees that gackt touch in our photos XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
at least the rain drives some people away, or else the park is usually full on weekends @@
this is my tora coser >////////////< she's so kakkoiiiiiiiiii *0*
this is my shou begging for money XDDDD actually, it's tora's pv pose, but i feel like doing it too, lol. at first i was supposed to add feathers in the hand using photoshop, but i got too lazy :P
i just notice we don't have too much photos taken together Q___Q because my shoes are too high, so if we stand together, it'll be "short tora" and "tall shou" >_____<;;
kakkoiiiii tora again!!!!!
this is our heigh (with shoes) and the text says we're not ready yet when the photo is take XDDDDDD
i like this one very much <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
um...i have no good photos*sob*
for more photos, please come here
http://album.blog.webs-tv.net/kk130&folder=1026772&page=1&limit=20 because i don't feel like posting all of them, most are pretty much the same^^U
*sorry, i deleted the youtube videos. i hope you all seen it already > < because my friend said she doesn't want our rivals to see it. really sorry, i apologize for any incovinence m(__)m