Dir en grey // Addiction

Jan 30, 2007 13:10

Title: Addiction
Chapters: oneshot
Author: eatingsoup101
Genre: angst, AU
Ratings: PG-13
Pairings/Characters: DiexShinya
Synopsis: He viewed Die as his guilty pleasure; his and only his.
Comments: What the heck is with me and the angst, lately? *_* It seems like that's all I'm able to write. -dead- Hope you guys don't mind. Anyway, this is angst, but I guess if you really squint it can be taken as fluffy. I mean, they obviously have some feelings for each other, they're just confused and addicted to the sex. ^_^;; But, enjoy nonetheless. My response to Shinya's b-day challenge. My theme was Every time I die...

Posted here at die_shinya.

To comply with die_shinya's new rules, all writing I've posted there has now been friends locked. You do not need to have friended miyatree to view it, as this particular entry will stay public. You only need to be a member of die_shinya, and if you are wanting to read this fic then you probably already are, so there's no harm done.

p: die/shinya, s: dir en grey, !rating - pg-13

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