Hello there!!!! It's me, Miya (?) What do you think of my side bar? isnt it cute? I know it is... (?) kekeke ¬¬
I have some good news for all ELF out there!!! SJ won Music Bank!!! asdasdasd!! Oh hell yeah! Aren't thye amazing? of course they are... asdasdas~~
I had a dream (randomly changing topic) Where i was in love with DongHae and Siwon was In love with me and I didnt care a bit LOL
I was drunk or what?? Siwon was in love with me!!! *hits her head with the keybord*
. . . For the first time ver a SJ was in love with me in a dream and I didnt care... I so hate myself LOL
*cuts her wrists and cries blood*
It was DongHae's fault ;O; *kicks him*