Ah~ the power of chocoabs is increasing! Siwon is such a hottie D8 Is so hard dont become a fangirl when he shows that perfect body...
Every Oh! My lady fans please thank the staff who is always giving us eyecandy u_u
(One minute of silence)
Even when you see Siwon's pre-debut pictures you can se that he has born perfect D:
Is this perfection or what?
Of course we fans dont pay attention to those tiny details, right?^^ Is just an observation (?)
Talking about the drama... I already wateched chapter 12 and is so f*king thrilling!!!!! I just cant wait for the next one... I dont like to spoil things so I wont tell you anything (?)
But I can tell you that YeEun is the cuttest thing I ever seen...!!!!!! and Siwon (Yes, Super Junior Siwon) seems to like her a lot too♥ And that makes Siwon the most adorable thing ever, amen!
Lovely, isn't it?
Awwww!!! This pic is from Siwon's twitter^^ He is such a kid~ :D People is used to think that he is really mature and gentleman-like... But Im not saying he is not those things, but when he is with SuJu members he acts completly different, specially with DongHae 8D (SiHae? Someone?)
And while I was gooffing around on youtube I found this:
Click to view
Don't you love arirang? Because I really do *O*
Look at him LOL He is sooooo him, like KangIn said: "The worst part about Siwon's Handsomeness is that he knows he is handsome..." and Siwon didnt answer... Of course he knows!!!! LOL Like a twitter entry he twitted:
"Thanks God for making me so hot~"
Hahahahaha I was like: OMG! Siwon you're da best! LOL Haaaa~~ this Siwon biased entry is coming to its end, so say bye bye with a smile like Siwon does 8D
Siwon: You know you want me...