Dec 31, 2012 05:25
Seriously, nothing happens to me.
I may be overreacting to the recent lull in anything even approaching exciting happening in my life. By "recent" I actually mean three days or so, because I'm over-dramatic as well.
Stuff actually has happened, if I bother to recall, Such as:
My landlord is an arsehole. Or should I say, my EX-landlord, because he sold our apartment to some people who promptly decided to kick us out. Legally they had to give us two months' notice, but it still pisses me off. They couldn't have waited three bloody months? They had a place to live! They are also trying to get us to pay rent for our last month, which also legally, we don't have to do at all. Says so right in the notice agreement. Liars and thieves, the lot of them. Yes, anger. My roommate has managed to talk me out of my revenge scheme, but it would have been marvelous. Will dream of it in my half-deluded head.
Think of good things... finished NaNoWriMo thing. That was good, although it made me a bit insane there by the end. Nearly died of overwrought empathetic character angst. Was terrible. Try not to do that again for at least another year. Never mind. Good things...
Martin Freeman. He is an adorable man that is also awesome and I adore him utterly. He is in the Hobbit, which I saw and immediately fangirled all over the place. He is also the Troll King, which is terribly amusing. He absolutely delights in riling up all of the fans by saying inflammatory things. I swear he says these things and then goes on Tumblr to watch the fandom burn down... again. He and Benedict Cumberbatch make my fangirl heart bleed all over the place on a regular basis. Is terrible. Feelings in pieces all over the floor. Never mind. Good things...
Recently had my girls over to celebrate the holiday season. They stayed in a blanket nest on the floor of my living room. We had excellent times eating (real) Chinese food, playing weird drinking games and having adventures, including the Great Snowpocalypse of 2012. They left me post-it note love all over my apartment, as well as "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" all over my back, all they way from neck to ankles. Still hasn't come off. They are 1000 kilometers away now. Is terrible. Miss them. Never mind. Good things...
I give up. Right now it's all terrible because I am awake at 5:30 in the morning and my apartment is empty. Except me.