Summer Cleaning

Jun 18, 2011 12:11

LJ is kind of dead, no? I think most people either migrated to Tumblr, have no interest in LJ anymore, or are simply to busy to check their LJ.

To be honest I've kind of shifted away from many of the interests of my flist but I do still use LJ as my primary source for anime/manga news and I still like to keep in touch with many of you. I'm probably going to delete everyone and then if you really want to stay then you can re-add by leaving a comment on my FO post.

So consider this goodbye since I'm going to start deleting after I post this and I may not friend you again/you may not friend me again. It was nice being friends with you all and may you all live happy, successful lives.

Remember, I'm deleting everyone so don't take it personally. If you still want to be my LJ friend then just leave a comment on my Friends Only post.

EDIT: You can leave a comment here as well if you wish to stay.

friends cut, lj, friends

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