So I open my inbox and what do I see? NYAF is holding a 2009 mascot design contest! Eveytime I go to that con I think how ugly their mascot is and now is my chance to draw an aweser one! ...The only problem is I have no clue what to draw n 3n;;;; It has to incorporate anime and New York. I know they've already had that anime chick dressed up as the Statue of Liberty and another anime chick dressed up as Godzilla, so those two options are out. I don't want it to be something really obvious like an anime chick dressed as a giant apple (Big Apple...get it :B ). I could do something like King Kong except instead of planes flying around the character it could be...cute little japanese things XD I DON'T KNOW! If anyone has any ideas, let me know n 3n
I also sent my portfolio off to Pixar today. I had to overnight it and I was expecting it to be expensive. But when the guy started reading me off my options they were like, twice as much as what I was even FOUR TIMES what I expected. And do you wanna know what I expected? Twenty, you do the math. Thankfully the post office can deliver it at about my expected rate on time, so that was what I went with, obv XD I also had to mail a little gift to my friend. Now, the place I went to can't accept credit/debit cards if you mail something through USPS, only if you use FedEx or UPS or something. So for her package I had to use one of the latter two and it cost me more than double the USPS rate X_X All because I had no cash on me! I only had enough for the Pixar package. Sending mail can be frusterating.
I feel good that I got my stuff to Pixar out. I actually followed through on something. I totally know they're not going to accept me into the program, but at least I did it. Trying is better than doing nothing in cases like these~!
In other news,
My bunnies are both horny as ever. Molly is in heat and she has started humping my arms and legs again. And Clover smells Molly's humping scent on me and he starts humping me. I need to get these rabbits spayed and neutered. Plus they're shedding, plus they're being extra bad. I dunno why but they both seem to be extra needy all of a sudden. I don't know if it has to do with the mating season or what, but they both want constant attention from me. Molly usually sleeps under my bed when she is out in my room but now she makes sure to be on my bed next to me and that one of my hands is on her forehead petting it. If I'm not she gets all antsy and starts licking my hands. And Clover has been spending more time next to me when I sit on my bed, too. Usually he'll hop up here for a bit, then hop off and run around, lather, rinse, repeat, but he'll spend most of his time on the floor. But now he'll come up on the bed and like, lay here. Or just keep hopping up here over and over. Plus he's trying to escape from my room more frequently whenever I leave. It's really annoying D:<
Beans is getting older and more decrepit. His teeth are weak and one of his front bottom teeth stopped growing in, so there's just one tooth. And I guess because it's harder for them to chew with three front teeth, it wasn't getting properly gnawed down and it would keep growing. So I would periodically have to trim it. Unfortunately he squirms a lot and the last time I cut it I did it slightly too short. And I think there was a sharp end to it. So now it's like a tooth nub and because of that his top teeth aren't being gnawed down so I had to trim them. Which again, was hard because he was squirming. So after I cut them there were sharp backs to the teeth and I didn't want his mouth to get all cut up so I tried to file them down. Gently of course, but it's still really hard to do because of his squirming, as previously mentioned. And one of his top teeth broke off. If he was healthy it shouldn't have broken off like that even if I was filing it. So now he's just got one top tooth and one bottom tooth and neither of them look like they're growing very much. I've begun to feed him with a mixture of baby food, water and Critical Care (which we used for my sister's rabbit when he was sick). And he hates it. Not that I blame him. Plus on top of all this his bottom tooth nub has shredded his bottom lip in two. So he basically has two bottom lips. I have to clean that out a few times a day because crap builds up in it. But he hates that, too, so he keeps trying to bite me as I do it and in turn he further opens the wound. Nothing is easy with him D:< But if you didn't look inside his mouth (XD ) he actually looks really healthy so at least he isn't lethargic or not going to the bathroom or not drinking and eating what he can (he's basically limited to small seeds like millet and sesame, plus he gnaws on those weird colored pieces of food. I don't know what they are). The Critical Care mixture will just give him extra nutrients he can't get.