(no subject)

Mar 29, 2009 19:57

So I guess it's time to update XD I mean, nothing much has really happened. I've been working a lot as usual. Tomorrow I'm working 9-5:15 8D~~!!11 I am getting sooooo sick of these days. Last week I had like, three days where I worked 2-10. It's just way too long to be at a shitty retail job. Next week is mostly 5-6 hour days though...THANKFULLY!

My sister's rabbit, Riley, is sick. At first we thought he had head tilt because, well, his head was tilting and it's a common aligment in rabbits. But then it cleared up in two days. We took him to the vet anyway and she said she was actually more concerned about the fact that his colon was empty and that he wasn't getting the proper diet. We have to completely change what our rabbits eat! I think that we caught it soon enough for Molly and Clover since they haven't been with us as long as Riley.

Rabbits should only eat pellets from those pet store bags of mixed food. None of that other colorful crap, even though they totally love it. We have to slowly reduce the amount of crap day by day in their bowls until it's just pellets they're eating. Which is really annoying because there are a lot of little seeds in there. I'd throw away the whole bag and just get one made of pellets, but we bought a 25lb bag and we've only used up about half of it, soooo... n 3n;;;

Next, they should have about 1/2 cup of fresh veggies a day. The vet recommended kale and the green tops of carrots. Molly and Clover LOVE the kale and they eat it all in one sitting. Riley isn't eating like he should be. He nibbles at it, but leaves it mostly untouched.

And finally Timothy hay should make up most of their diet. Definitely not alfalfa (I've never fed any to them, thank god), and I guess other sorts of grasses are out too. I bought them an "orchard blend" once which they loved. That should have been a hint right there XD Anyway, they definitely don't eat as much hay as they should. They really love that dry food. Even during that time when I had no dry food to give them and gave them hay everyday they still didn't eat as much as they should. Hopefully they will get into the habit and realize that IT'S ALL THEY'RE GETTING D:<

Right now we have to feed Riley with a mixture of baby food, water, and a special herbivore nutritional suppliment...forecefully...with a siringe. He hates it XD But if a rabbit isn't eating liek they should you have to make sure they constantly have food in their stomachs. So we have to feed him this stuff ever 2-4 hours. But I don't think my sister's been doing it that often...


rabbit, job

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