Title: Cake...and Ice Cream (One-Shot)
Pairing: Nichkhun/Wooyoung
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Nichkhun + Wooyoung + Cake = good time. Nichkhun +Wooyoung + Cake + Ice Cream = better time. ;)
A/N: My final smut one-shot for my handsomes. Let's continue to support Khun. I LOVE YOU NICHKHUN. xoxo. miya. :)
Yummy )
Comments 8
omg it's your goodbye fic ;w;
can't read right now..saving a spot for later.
thanks for the hard works Miya <3
just one last smutty one.
i'll post my goodbye fic tomorrow...no rush :)
aww...miya,thanks for this.can't wait for the goodbye fic even i'm still hoping that u will write again ;-;
what what what ?????
whaaaaa miYa !! Oh you know you know you know..what i want ><
That scene made me cry ,,, cos of sweetness and hotness!!
khunyoung ! what r u guys doing ????
cake and ice cream ....
it's gnb a hot hot hot dessert, right?
khunnie !!
awww..the last smut fic from chuuuuu ;;A;;
You are one of my fic's favorite writers and read about your leaving depresses me, a lot, but we have to move on.
Miya take care and I hope someday I could read another of your excellent works.
There is one more right? Before the really end?
Oh my, this can't be happening :'(
_| ̄|0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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