Title: The Untouched - Finale, Part 3
Pairing: Nichkhun/Wooyoung
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Nichkhun, Taecyeon, Junho and Chansung are soldiers trapped in a heinous world war against the evil Dragon King and the Dragon Army. They have just lost a major battle and have retreated to a hideout only to be rescued and aided by a young, innocent boy from
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he had to be one..if he doesn't want to be daggered by me :P
“Khun… I can’t see. They splashed hot oil in my eyes… I can no longer see you.”
omfg how dare them holy shiiiiiiii just lemme stab somebody!!!!!!
what the hell happened to allll the people in the kingdom??? how can they be freaking mean knowing that it could be them waiting for their head to be cut off the next day??
ughhhh!!!!! i wanna slay the whole town OTL
stupid king surrounded by fools..serves him right..
Nichkhun watched helplessly as the fire started to engulf Wooyoung’s clothing screaming for help.
........ T______________________________T i can't noooo OTL
“We’re going to just leave them like this?” Junho asked.
“This dungeon locks from the inside. This could be their private resting place.” Junsu offered.
“And so it shall be.”
“I wish we could be walking out here both my friend. May love be abound you for eternity.”
i lost it..i really really lost it...forever rest in peace in a dungeon..my khunyoung..i just..Miyaaaaa T_________T
“Yes, we will be eternally untouched”.
khunyoung is definitely untouched..
it's like you're saying that's how khunyoung gonna be in your mind :)
i'm gonna miss all this rollercoaster feelings from you Miya.
another awesome fic from you..it's a sorta happy ending for khunyoung, but you know i love them more if they live XDD
thank you for another great ride ^^
p/s: another thing that i learn from being in a fandom is that, it hurts to see your friend moves on..huhu
BUT! i'm sooooo happy for you Miya! ^________________^
i really do....promise me you'll have awesome life yeah? cause i bet you will :D
I think I'll miss you most cipherstar. You seriously gave me that extra motivation to write and share my stories. I'll def. miss you.
and don't worry this page will not be closed. who knows? maybe smutty one shots may be my new thing ;) love you 'star. take care hun. xoxo.
and lol he was all sexaayyy and UNF in front of the cam, and when it's off, he's bouncing like a kid again..only half nekkid OTL
oh!! have you 'meet' Wooyoung's adorable adorable fanboy, patrick aka wootrick?? his Woo's birthday greeting vid gaaahhhh omg i swear he's the cutest thing eveeeerrr ^_______^
huuuuuu praying hard that smutty smut smut one shot will be your new toy..like Cake! freaking love Cake still read it once in awhile XDDDDD
thank you for not closing your lj down..cause some writers they delete everything when they leave T_T
you take care too okay?
and do appear once in awhile..
it doesn't have to be with a fic tho..
if i can see you somewhere in a fic comment section, it's awesome enough for me :)
love you Miya /hugggggsssss
MEN'S HEALTH!!!!! omgaaaaaahhhh!! I cried - like literally shed tears when I saw those pics. Partly because the cute Wooyoung seemed to not be present but man alive! his body, his golden skin, his blonde hair - this is what great khunyoung smut is made out of ;) honeyyy, mmmm mmmm mmmm. Khun must be all over that... I know I would be XD
I haven't written the smut yet but I will tonight. heehee I gotta make it good for you bb, of course for my handsom prince and def. for all that holy, the divine hotness of jang wooyoung.
I won't close my page, I'll need it to post my occasional fic. :)
ughhhh the Men's health is the death of me and real2pm of Men's health's bts killed me good OTL
and then came his solo debut..i went craayyy craaayyyy~
he even got the no.1 and no.3 spots on hanteo..something to be really celebrated :D /proud
and now this khun accident thingy..ughhhh..my boyysss OTL
yezzaaa couldn't wait for it XD
and thank you for not closing your lj miya <3
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