This is a question for everyone.
I can't help it, I need to ask it.
Today, every time I close my eyes, I see these very fine silvery glowing threads, like very light hair or threads from a broken spider's web, waving like it's blowing in the wind or flowing with water. There is nothing else but this. It usually follows a strong feeling or a peaceful feeling after which I decide to close my eyes.
Today I've spent listening to Conversations with God, Book 3 (PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE FIRST BOOK IF YOU DIDN'T SEE THIS ENTRY: you don't even need to tell me. just PLEASE do this. It's not religiously based at all, the title is a little radical, but trust me it's WORTH READING/LISTENING TO!), and walking through a wooded park, breathing int he scent of fallen leaves and cedar trees, and gazing into the gold and orange hues... I've had a very "ascended" day.
I'm wondering if anyone else has had this experience recently, or if they have had it at any time in their life, and/or what they think it means.