I hjope I'm allowed to post this kinda stuff here, but it is quite relevant! :D
I'm doing this for
gankyuujelly Because she doesn't want to join the Miyavi comms Just so you know about the health and safety stuff for the Miyavi gigs. It's pretty important, so please take your time to read, and if you already know, then please tell as many people as you can.
I copied this off the last.fm events page.
It's not advisable to camp out overnight for this event like most J-rock shows in the UK. The queue line for Astoria2 forms down an alleyway where unfriendly substaces will drip from all night, also the area has alot of homeless around (and not the usual friendly homless dude that trundles by) they are far fromt he friendly type. Should he be moved to the main Astoria, it s still not a good idea to camp, the pavement is about a foot and a half wide, and next to a main road, people wll be walking it day and night and won't want you in the way. The best idea is to arrive early morning on the day of the show. (anytime after daybreak should be fine)
http://www.last.fm/event/614806 this is for your own safety, i have had so many people already telling me it is far from the realm of safety to camp there.. please don't i don't wish to be responsible for you getting damaged.
x-posted!! sorry >_