Nov 14, 2009 16:43
ugh, I feel like I'm just ignoring my journal now. I'm up to the same old same old. Stuck in a dead end job... trying to find something fashion related; but no one is interested in hiring / taking in interns right now. Everyone in that field should know what I'm talking about. However, I did get some really good news last night. I don't think I posted this but my dad got laid off back in April. He called me last night all excited that he found a new job. It's stuff he really wasn't applying for (he'll be delivering scaffolding to carpenters; he's been applying to electrical/maintenance jobs) but it's a job. A good one at that too~! He'll be driving back and forth from Ohio to Michigan and will be paid $25 an hour. I'm really happy for him. Now if only I can find a better job. *lol* So, what's new with the lj-crowd?