There are times when you think you know your friends well... when little happenings that take place suddenly prove otherwise. Today, Montaray, Ali and Gabriena came to my house to record the Never Cry Book radio show, another one of Mr Tan's twisted assignments.
First we had to get a cab. Gab and Montaray fabricated all manner of white lies as we tried to get the cabbie to take us to 1 Utama for twenty ringgit (he insisted on twenty-three, but last time Uncle Victor drove me there for twenty).
Gab : Uncle, cannot lar uncle, we don't have money!
Mon : Ya, uncle, we can only pay five ringgit each.
Gab : We're really poor students, uncle!
Cab : Poor!? Poor students where can afford to study here lah?
Mon : Really la, uncle, really miskin.
Gab : Ya, uncle, today no money, only can pay twenty ringgit...
ODE : Not enough allowance lah uncle...
Even I was flabbergasted. Montaray slammed the door in the cabbie's face, and when we walked off, he honked at us, so we walked back, and he said he'd take us to 1 Utama for 20 ringgit (taxi ride, GET!!).
We had lunch at DOME, and judging by how Ali acted, it was obvious he wasn't used to eating in places like that. He asked Gabriena and I, "You sumer biase makan kat tempat cam nie ke?"
I said, "Ha? You mean hari-hari?" to which he nodded, and I quickly said, "No-lah! Cam tu sure bankrupt lah. Once in a while only..." It was actually quite funny. Gabriena and I ordered a Caesar salad each (we found out that we have so much in common!) and Ali told the waiter, "Um, the same!" and Gabriena piped up, "No, guys don't eat Caesar salads!"
This left Ali looking really confused. So I asked him, "You prefer chicken or beef?" He said he'd like chicken, so I ordered a chicken & mushroom pie for him. While all this fuss was going on a raging debate was taking place in Montaray's mind - Gabriena and I had both offered to pay for his meal, and he couldn't decide if he should take up the offer or not. Finally, he decided not to eat. He had some weird concoction called Mocha Loca, which tasted quite like Milo with too little sugar.
The ride home set us back RM5.50. Once we were in we set our things down and began recording.
It was HILARIOUS. I thought it would be a long and boring process, but judging by the amount of laughter that erupted from our little crowd, and the number of times I doubled over from a stitch in my side... ha ha.
We had to flee the room once Dad got back. While waiting for Malik, Gab's driver to come pick her and the boys up, we sat around in my room, indulging in comics, emo talk sessions and teasing Montaray. For first-timers to my house, Gab and Montaray sure warmed up to the place pretty quickly, that is to say, they plopped themselves down on the mattresses instead of sitting on the floor like most people do when they come into my room for the first time.
Apparently I have a very happening room, and a cool sleeping area. I don't see anything great about sleeping on a bunch of thick mattresses on a platform, but Montaray said, "Man, I wish I had a bed like this!" Gab found it very practical. That last bit is true.
They left at around 9 pm. We had an awesome bonding session, no doubt. It'd be fun to have them over again... just to hang out and talk.
A memento of the day's events... (listen if you want) :
The Bombay Salsa Commercial.