Latest Fanfics - Mes dernières Fics

Oct 31, 2010 20:23

Here's the list of all that I've written in October.

Sherlock (BBC), John/Sherlock, NC-17, 490 words
In which Sherlock isn't the one in control.

Dark Soul
Sherlock (BBC), R, 656 words
Sherlock isn't scared of anything-except boredom.

Blueberry Pancakes
Supernatural, Sam/Gabriel, NC-17, 511 words
In which Gabriel is not very good at some things, but it doesn't really matter.

Slice of Life
Supernatural, Dean/Castiel, Castiel/Dean/Balthazar, NC-17, 2562 words
In which Dean is confused, Castiel is possessive, and Balthazar is helpful, in more ways than one. Also, there's pie.

Voici la liste de tout ce que j'ai écrit en octobre.

Un Matin à Highgate Park
Sherlock (BBC), Sherlock/John, PG, 1232 mots
Où John ne sait pas ce qu'il fait là au juste, Mycroft est Mycroft, et Sherlock... ma fois, Sherlock est Sherlock.

english, français, fic: sherlock, fic: supernatural, fanfic

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