Latest Fanfics

Oct 01, 2010 14:42

Here's the list of all that I've written in September.

Borrowed Heaven
Supernatural, Sam/Gabriel, Dean/Castiel, NC-17, 25449 words
AU. In a world where angels are running the show, the Winchester brothers investigate paranormal cases for the Hunters Department. But Dean is ill and Sam has to take a job at Club Rouge as a "host" to pay the new bills. He certainly wasn't expecting to catch the eye of an archangel. As he and Gabriel get closer, Sam also takes on a case that will prove far more complicated than anything he would have imagined.

Keep Yourself Alive
Life on Mars (UK), Sam/Chris, PG, 735 words
In which there's a party, music and unexpected things.

An Owl in the Night: Sand and Sun
Supernatural, Sam/Gabriel, G, 589 words
Gabriel takes his family on a little impromptu trip.

Supernatural, Sam/Gariel, PG, 582 words
“Come on,” Gabriel says, “carnivals are fun!"

Sherlock (BBC), G, 560 words
When John turns around to really look at it, the puppy turns its big brown eyes up at him and gives a little ‘yip’, it’s tongue rolling out of its grinning mouth.

Distant Sun
Supernatural, Sam/Gabriel, PG, 568 words
When Dean sets him up on a blind date with some “super-cool chick that’s perfect for him”, Sam sighs, puts on a passable shirt, and goes.

Just Around the Corner
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Willow/Oz, PG, 724 words
Something in the distorted reflection of the mirror catches Willow’s eye and she turns around as a strangely familiar figure disappears into the crowd.

Sweet Coffee
Supernatural, Dean/Gabriel, PG, 823 words
Dean’s been uncharacteristically cheerful since he came back from the library the previous day, and Sam’s not going to deny himself some really good coffee just because his brother’s behavior kind of baffles him, just a little bit.

Don't Touch
Supernatural, Crowley/Dean/Castiel, NC-17, 697 words
In which Crowley takes charge, Castiel puts on a show and Dean can't touch.

Supernatural, Dean/Castiel, NC-17, 455 words
Dean, Castiel, shower, sex.

Quick and Quiet
White Collar, Peter/Neal, NC-17, 546 words
In which Peter is bossy, Neal can't stay quiet and the Bureau is oblivious.

Double the Fun
Supernatural RPS, Jensen/Richard/Misha, NC-17, 662 words
In which Jensen and Misha are true to their word.

Sherlock (BBC), John/Sherlock, PG-13, 678 words
“What did you do?” John accuses, because he’d been working the previous day and now it’s obvious Sherlock didn’t stay at home the whole time. Sherlock sighs. “I caught the jewel thief.” “And?” “And we fell into the Thames,” Sherlock admits.

The Politician in the Manor
Sherlock (BBC), John/Sherlock, NC-17, 5123 words
Sherlock and John go undercover to solve a theft at Sweet Pines Manor, a private resort that caters only to same-sex couples who value their privacy high enough to pay their extortionate fees.

fic: life on mars, fic: buffy, fic: sherlock, fic: supernatural rpf, fic: supernatural, english, fic: white collar, fanfic, writing/écriture

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