Latest Fanfics - Mes dernières Fics

Aug 31, 2010 10:35

Here's the list of all that I've written in August.

What You See Is What You Get
Supernatural, Sam/Gabriel, NC-17, 829 words
When he turns is head, Sam can see their reflection in the darkened window.

Something Beautiful
Supernatural, Jo/Anna, R, 3851 words
Anna escaped from Heaven's reeducation camp. As she keeps an eye on Sam and Dean, she's enthralled by Jo's bright soul and can't let her die in Carthage.

On the Road
Supernatural, Sam/Gabriel, implied Dean/Castiel, PG, 757 words
Gabriel isn’t the most patient angel. They’ve been on the road for less than an hour and the archangel is already looking bored.

Supernatural, Sam/Gabriel, PG, 219 words
Gabriel has been a part of Team Free Will for three months when there’s a hesitant knock on the door of the motel room they’re currently staying in. knocking.

Silent Dream
Supernatural RPS, J2, PG, 1083 words
Jensen couldn’t pin-point the exact moment he fell in love with his co-star.

Limbo's Labyrinth
Supernatural, Jo/Lucifer, PG-13, 5384 words
“Come with me, be my queen. Soon I’ll have established my dominion on Earth and we’ll reign over a world of demons, together.”

Say It With Some Flowers
Supernatural, Sam/Gabriel, PG, 1088 words
Subtlety: something angels don’t have. Even archangels turned pagan gods, it seems.

Supernatural, Sam/Gabriel, PG-13, 1157 words
The nightmares come every night. Ever since the Apocalypse That Wasn’t, ever since a newly resurrected archangel dragged him out of the Pit, out of Lucifer’s Cage, Sam fears the moment when sleep takes a hold of him.

Voici la liste de tout ce que j'ai écrit en août.

Le quatrième Mur (partie 9): Connexions réseau (traduction)
Supernatural, Dean/Castiel, Sam/Lucifer, PG-13, 3050 mots
Celui où Castiel revient, Dean ne sait pas trop quoi faire et Sam ramène un nouveau portable.

Le quatrième Mur (partie 10): Mode sans échec (traduction)
Supernatural, Dean/Castiel, Sam/Lucifer, NC-17, 2656 mots
Celui où Dean est intimidé par la version de lui des fics et Sam ne sait pas vraiment où il en est.

Le Trésor de Voldemort (ancien texte)
Harry Potter, Voldemort/Harry, Voldemort/Harry/Severus, NC-17, 1683 mots
Voldemort à vaincu. Harry à tout perdu. Tout, sauf sa dignité. Et son ennemi juré compte bien lui prendre même cela.

Une Soirée inoubliable (ancien texte)
Original, slash, NC-17, 3253 mots
Loïc se réveille dans une chambre qui n'est pas la sienne et n'a apparemment pas passé la nuit seul. Pourtant, il peine à se souvenir de la soirée de la veille.

english, français, fic: harry potter, fic: original, fic: supernatural rpf, fic: supernatural, fanfic

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