New Layout and New Art

Aug 01, 2013 16:33

Heya! I've just changed my LJ layout for the first time in years, because I wanted to be able to use my gorgeous artwork that I commissioned from the lovely AxlRosie (originally for my gaming YouTube channel but I love it to pieces and want to use it everywhere)! :D

I'm very very happy with it. You can see it in full size here. It encompass most of the things that are me:there's a triskele pendant, a sword, which is based on my actual sword, books, something to write with, of course a laptop, and a controller since this was for my gaming stuff. :P

Rosie streamed all of the coloring process, and it was awesome to watch. :D


*is happy*

(I'm less happy about the fact thar Rogue still hasn't sent the Wolf's Bane Con tickets, though.)

wolf's bane con, happy things/trucs qui rendent heureux, video games, graphics, friends/amis, convention, teen wolf, lj, art

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