End-of-the-year Meme

Jan 01, 2013 22:20

Stolen from morganoconner, but I've seen it around.

This year I wrote and posted (in chronological order by posting date):
See this post, which doesn't involve my current WIPs nor the exchange fic I haven't claimed yet. All in all that's about 28.5k more words, so almost 112k for the year.

Overall Thoughts:
At the begining of the year I never thought I'd write so much. I was deep into Minecraft and my first real relationship and barely wrote 1600 words total when the Five Acts meme showed up in January, then basically nothing. So yeah, I'm really surprised I ended up write so freaking much, and most of it in a shiny new fandom! And I'm also impressed by the number of long fics I wrote, I don't usually write most of those bur somehow Teen Wolf seems to be demanding all the words. Overall: I'm happy. :)

Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?
As I said, I wasn't expecting to write much at all, so yeah, much much more than I expected!

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January?
Teen Wolf, mostly. I had enjoyed season 1 and actually read a few fics back then, but none of my fandom friends seemed to have seen the show until the whirlwind of season 2, so I didn't really get pulled in until then. I also didn't think either that I'd be writing in the Harry Potter universe again, but I'm currently working on a Teen Wolf Hogwarts!AU.

What's your own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest?
Ugh, this is hard! I wrote a lot of things that make me happy, but the one I'm the most proud of is probably Bonds of Power, because it has a thought-out plot and I loved writing the bits about Derek's thoughts and reactions. But it's a really close thing with a few other fics. You know what? I changed my mind. I'll go with After Dark, even though the plot could be slightly improved and I don't like the way I put Scott completely aside. Because writing all the gory details was so much fun, and the zombie fight! Also, I really love the way I ended it, even though it got me tons of frustrating comments just begging/demanding for more. :P

Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
I wrote a very rare pairing (Peter/Isaac, actually there were only like 2 or 3 small ficlets for it beforehand) for a fandom that is pretty much monopairing. It paid off in the fact that I could write a relationship that wasn't infulenced by fanon at all, and it was also something darker and more twisted than what I usually do, and I really like it. I must have done something right, because I got over a hundred kudos when I was sure I'd never even reach 50 in this Sterek-obsessed fandom. There's another risk I took that I can't talk about until I can claim my exchange fic, ugh! But basically I wrote a genre I don't usually write and discovered that I can't actually write it, because it turned into something else. I'll tell you more about it when I can?

My best story of this year:
Probably Bonds of Power. It's complete, there are no bits or pieces that I would wish had turned out better or differently. It's a bloody good fic, if I dare say so myself.

My most popular story of this year:
Tell Me What You Eat, hands down. Which is quite a surprise because I struggled a lot with it (I actually took out most of the plot that had snucked up in it and had to rewrite a lot of the rest) and I personnally don't think it's especially good. It's an okay little fic, but not very original, and not that In Character either, but I guess baking is always a fan favorite?

Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
In the Shadows of Night, to be honest. I know I said it got more love than I thought it would, but really I love that fic and I hate that people just by-passed it because of the pairing. Also, Bonds of Power went mostly unnoticed even though it's full of the things this fandom loves (and honestly better than some of the popular werewolf!Stiles stories >.>).

Most fun story to write:
After Dark, which I've already said before, and in the complete opposite genre the fluffy Winter Retreat 'verse, which just makes me smile. :)

Story with the single sexiest moment:
Um, difficult one... Probably Living Links.

Most "Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story:
I'd say Behind Closed Eyes, what with all the pack actually unintentionally witnessing Derek and Stiles having sex, feeling it (enjoying it...) and all that. I regret nothing though. :P

Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:
Bonds of Power made me realize how Derek just never really wanted any kind of power, and how he isn't a bad Alpha at all, but just never expected or wanted to be in a position of power.

Hardest story to write:
Tell Me What You Eat, which just wouldn't turn out right until I completely tore it down, and was still a pain after that.

Biggest Disappointment:
How much I failed at writing in December. >.> Also, how much I fail at writing TW RPF. One is probably the cause of the other, but I'm not sure which.

Biggest Surprise:
Writing so many long fics! That's including my exchange fic and my Hogwarts!AU. Also, just writing, period.

Favorite Opening Line(s):
Stiles picks up the jar of mountain ash first, because it’s usually a good base, but he puts it back on the counter after a second thought. Mountain ash tends to repel supernatural creatures and energies, block them off, and that’s not exactly what he’s going for here. Instead, he takes the jar of labradorite dust, smiling a little at the dog-like name, and pours a good handful of it in the bowl in front of him.
- Bonds of Power
(so much research into the magical properties of plants and stones and gems, you have no idea! /o\)

When Isaac signed up to be a werewolf, he should have asked to see the fine print.
- In the Shadows of Night

Favorite Closing Line(s):
There are things that you should never ever have to see, and as it turns out, the look on your best friend’s face while your Alpha is banging him isn’t at the top of that list. No, that would be the look on your mother’s face while your best friend’s father is fucking her against the wall.
- Behind Closed Eyes

Stiles screams into the night.
- After Dark

“So, um,” Stiles says, taking his hand and entwining their fingers. “We have a confession to make.”
- Of Secrets and Confessions

Top Scenes from Anywhere You Would Choose to Have Illustrated:
Ugh! Tough choice. In no particular order:

The final fight against the zombie, when it's crawling over Stiles's leg, because that would be epic and gruesome! From After Dark

Stiles finger-painting on a naked Derek, from Living Links

Vampire!Sherlock feeding on John, from A Study in White

And many, many more.

Story I haven't yet written, but intend to:
Other than my Hogwarts!AU WIP-o-death, I have promised a porny timestamp to Bond of Power to maybemalapert. I would also like to write a little bit more of the Winter Retreat series, and I'm toying with an idea for a Teen Wolf/White Collar crossover, and I have bingo cards to complete.

Fic-writing goals for 2013:
To finish the Hogwarts AU, first and foremost. To write at least a tiny little bit for myself every day, even if progress goes slowly (I'm going to have a lot of academic work to do in the coming months). I don't want to set too many goals, 2013 is going to be full of new things for me (if I graduate as planned), so, yeah, we'll see.

english, meme, fandom, writing/écriture

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