Another Fandom Meme

Feb 27, 2012 16:03

I should be working right now, or writing up a post about the gazillion things I'm doing, but instead I'll do this!

Stolen from morganoconner

First TV show I had self-insertion fantasies about:
I'm not sure... I'd say Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but there might have been something before that.

First fandom in which I interacted (online and in person) with other fans:
Harry Potter. It was my first fandom ever: made me discover what fanfics where, made me write fanfics, made me RP, made me meet people irl. *Fond memories*

Pairing in the first slash fanfiction I read:
Harry/Draco. I remember the fic quite well, I even re-read it a while ago, though in English (I'd read the French translation back then). It's still a pretty good fic, though the style is a bit clumsy in the early chapters.

First RPS/RPF I read:
I...honestly have no idea. I think it might have been something about HP actors, but for a loooong time I was just not interested in RPF at all.

First fanfiction I read that made me think, YES, this is exactly the kind of fanfiction I'd like to write...
The first fic I read, actually. It was called "Les Portes" ("The Doors") and was a time-travel, multi-chapter, ultra-long, extremely well written story. The author really had created a brand new whole universe. Unfortunately she made us wait sooooo long between chapters that at some point (probably a couple of years after I first stumbled on it), I just stopped reading it because I couldn't remember all that had happened before. (A quick look on tells me the fic is about 640'000 words.)

Pairing in the first fanfiction I wrote:
I wrote a few gen scribblings, but they don't really count. Nope, first fic with a pairing. This one's going to look strange, isn't it. It was Harry Potter/Salazar Slytherin. I still like that story, though parts of it (and the style, oh lord the style!) are quite clumsy and cliches. ^^

First OTP:
Harry Potter/Severus Snape, though I've always been a multi-shipper so the notion of OTP is not really something I agree with. SS/HP was more a fav' pairing than an OTP. I just don't do OTPs. :P

First RPS/F OTP:
Again, I don't do OTPs.

First fannish friend I met in person:
Oeil-de-Nuit, who was on the same HP discussion forum as me and turned out to be going to the same highschool! XD We're still good irl friends (and people have no clue we met on the Internet :P).

First character I formally roleplayed:
Formally, that would be Snape. I played him for a loooong time. Though I'd played Voldemort a tiny bit in a crack, Big-Brother style silly RP before that. Don't ask. XD

fandom, just for the fun/juste pour s'amuser, harry potter, tv, english, meme, books/livres, buffy

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