What's Up?

Feb 06, 2012 15:33

You guys need to bug me so I update this more often. Because if your Twitter timeline looks like mine and we don't happen to be connected at the same time, chances are you don't get any news from me and I don't get any news from you and that's just sad.

So, what's up? I'm finally caught up on Supernatural, and I'll do my best not to fall behind again. This season is better than last year's, I grant you that, but it still doesn't have me all excited the way it used to. They've been having some nice guest stars though. Jason Dohring <3!

I'm also caught up with Glee, because I needed something cheerful to watch between the gloom SPN episodes. I think they're under-using poor Damian, who is more often than not just doing some background singing and dancing. I mean, Lindsey, who only got two episodes, got a better role than he did. (For those who didn't watch The Glee Project, Damian is the Irish boy and Lindsey the blue-eyed girl who plans to go to Nyada.)

I am one episode behind on Once Upon A Time, and loving that show! It really took me by surprise, because at first I was really scared it would feel like some Tenth Kingdom ripoff, but it really doesn't, and I love all the characters, especially Regina. (I think I might ship Regina/Emma a little bit... ^^")

Next show I'm gonna have to catch up on is Hawaii 5-0, I stopped early in the season when I fell behind on everything except, miraculously, The Big Bang Theory. I'm also really looking forward to the second season of Game of Thrones which starts in April. I've started reading the books, and I'm only in book 1 but it's amazing how true to the book the show has been so far. Proof that you can do a faithful adaptation of an epic saga.

Regarding real life, I'm currently on holidays, the exams are over and we get the results at the end of the week. Next week I'll be visiting friends in Scotland, where they've been normal, above-freezing temperatures when we've been dying every time we have to go outside for the past week. It's getting slightly better, though.

I'm also probably going back to Brittany at Easter to see the boyfriend. Initially we weren't supposed to see each other until July and the Japan Expo in Paris (which is sort of the French Comic Con), but yeah, six months is too long. Ugh, long-distance relationships suck, though they're a hundred times better than no relationship at all. Anyways, that's more travelling ahead, and only a couple of weeks before JIB Con in Rome, too! To say that I used to only go spend a week or two somewhere in France each year with my parents, and that was it, now it feels like I'm always between travels.

Lately with a group of friends we've been working on putting together a Minecraft server. It's a lot of work, to all agre on what kind of gameplay we want and then make it all work, figure out which plugins can do what we need and work well together, translating all the in-game sentences, building the first structures, creating the website and organizing the forums, and I've also been working on our own texture pack, but we all have very different tastes so that's been... interesting (the Joss Whedon definition of the word at times).

france, real life/tranche de vie, jibcon, h50, glee, paris, english, japan expo, holiday/vacances, rome, books/livres, once upon a time, agartha online, 10th kingdom, scotland/écosse, travel/voyage, brittany/bretagne, convention, italy, big bang theory, tv, the glee project, game of thrones, video, supernatural, minecraft

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