...I need a favour (it's about JIBCon) ^^

Aug 16, 2011 12:06

Hey guys!

I know, I know, I should post more often on LJ, I'm sorry.

So, the thing is, my mom suddenly decided to take me to St-Ursanne for the Rosinski exibition this Thursday/Friday. Most of you have no idea who Rosinski is, but he's the guy who draws/paints the Belgian comic books Thorgal, which I have loved since I was a kid. Here's the Wikipedia page about it, and there, have a couple of images.

Okay, now this is awesome and I can't wait, but.

JIBCon is proposing to upgrade passes to the Demon categorie, an I'd rally like to try and get that upgrade, but e-mail have to be sent at 6pm sharp on Thursday (which means 5pm in the UK and noon EST) and I will not have an internet. Now if you click on the link up there you'll see we can have someone else send the request for us. If someone could do that for me, I would be eternally grateful! But if you volunteer, be sure that you can send it right on time, because it'll be on a first come first served basis.

Again, this would mean the world to me if one of you could do this for me.

travel/voyage, convention, i need help, english, comic, supernatural, art, thorgal

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