Photos of Pierrefonds

Jul 19, 2011 14:11

Hey guys! So, as most of you know I just spent a couple of weeks in France, not far from Paris. We specifically chose our vacation location on the fact that it was close to the Castle of Pierrefonds, which is gorgeous and, also, the place they're shooting BBC's Merlin. ^^

Now before I share some of the tones of photos I took there, a few words about that castle. It was built in the late 14th/early 15th century, so already a thousand years after the story of King Arthur is set. It was almost destroyed in the 17th century and left mostly in ruins. It's Napoleon III who, in 1857, asked architect Eugène Viollet-le-Duc to renovate the castle.

now one thing you have to know about Viollet-le-Duc is, he wasn't so much interested in historical accuracy. He rebuild the castle and decorated it as he thought it should be, hence this kind of fairy-tale look the castle of Pierrefonds now has.

So, now that you know that using this castle to shoot Merlin is kind of really anachronistic (but that's far from the only thing in this show and not why we're watching it at all anyway), there, have some a lot of photos.

france, merlin, happy things/trucs qui rendent heureux, picspam, fandom, contes/fairytales, tv, english, photo, holiday/vacances

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