In which I'm busy!

Mar 16, 2011 13:50

Heya everyone!

I'm sorry if I haven't been very talkative lately, I'm waaay too busy for my own good. Some news in no particular order:

The gabriel_bigbang is at it's second week of posting, and things are mostly going well... Mostly.

We're in the middle of the closing procedures at help_nz, and it's A LOT of work. Thank goodness tresa_cho is helping me with the Words Offers post, because I couldn't do it all myself.

I've just closed up the third round of the Sex Is Not The Enemy challenge for the French fandom, and had to check all the comments to make sure I didn't miss anything, thanks to LJ's notification problem (that's apparently not their fault).

I finally finished the series of icons I've been working on, you can see them all here.

I've also made two lj layout designs for the latest contest at remixed, they're over here (leave your comments there ^^ ).

I'm note going to make a LJ header for this month, because they have to be centered around the theme of health, which is really not inspiring as far as general headers go. :/

(By the way, all those who are complaining about the (horribly green) new LJ header for this month, exactly how often do you actually take the time to vote for the headers? >.>)

I've posted the art for one of the GBB stories I illustrated, you can see it here. I still have two art posts to go. :)

I'm almost done with the ficlets for the help_nz Lightning Round, after what I'll get to work on the stuff from the main auction: icons, ficlets and one fic. (Btw, denazia, I'll need your donation confirmation.)

Then I really should work on my spn_j2_bigbang. Really.

omg!, graphics, new zealand/nouvelle-zélande, i'm a geek/je suis une geek, i'm insane/je suis folle, charity/oeuvre caritative, slash, sinte, fandom, big bang, internet, english, i signed up for things/inscription, supernatural, art

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