Latest Fanfics

Nov 30, 2010 18:33

Here's the list of all that I've written in November.

Sunday Mail
Supernatrual, Sam/Castiel, Sam/Dean/Castiel, NC-17, 5224 words
When Dean discovers three packages adressed to Sam, Castiel and him on the doorstep of their motel room, he immediately calls the angel. But Castiel is just as clueless as the Winchesters regarding the dolls they find Inside - dolls that look exactly like them. As Sam and Castiel set off to Bobby’s in search of a lead regarding the dolls’ purpose and origins, Dean stays to keep an eye on the mini-them…

Beyond the Gates of Infinity
Supernatural, Sam/Gabriel, PG, 584 words
Gabriel had kissed Sam, wiggled his eyebrows, said he’d be back, and disappeared in a flash of light Sam suspected had been more for show than anything else.

Sand and Tide
Supernatural, Sam/Castiel, Dean/Gabriel, PG, 584 words
Castiel’s been allowing himself to feel more, lately. Being around Gabriel’s bubbly personality all the time has had that effect on him. He thinks it’s a good thing.

Hand in Hand
The Vampire Diaries, Jeremy/Tyler, PG, 572 words
Sometimes it doesn't take much to find happiness.

Bull's Eye
The Vampire Diaries, Damon/Alaric, PG, 631 words
In which Alaric gets recruited and Damon gets what he wants.

Two of a Kind
Supernatural, Gariel/Andy, NC-17, 2038 words
Andy Gallagher's soul shone with mischief and laughter. Or course he caught the Trickster's attention.

Sweet Currents
Supernatural, Sam/Gariel, Dean/Castiel, PG-13, 2363 words
What will it take for Dean to finally understand that Gabriel does actually care?

Where the Pieces Fall
Supernatural, Sam/Gabriel, Dean/Castiel, NC-17, 2393 words
After being resurrected by God, Gabriel has joined Team Free Will as a penance for all the wrongs he’s done as Loki. On a hunt, he and Sam fall into a deadly magical trap. Fortunately, Gabriel manages to turn the curse into a sexual spell. But things will get worse before they can get better…

Love and Laughter
Merlin (BBC), Merlin/Gwaine, PG-13, 893 words
In which Gwen is getting married, Arthur is king, Merlin is embarrassed and Gwaine is amused.

Superheroes and Chicken Soup
Misfits, PG, 599 words
The fever is actually making Nathan nice.

english, fic: the vampire diaries, fic: merlin bbc, fic: supernatural, fanfic, fic: misfits

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