SO I downloaded this game on my phone like a week ago, and you go through your own love story, getting involved with 3 boys.
And... It's totally fun LOL :P
So I decided to start posting my adventures with this game, starting from chapter 5 :D
WARNING: bad engRish from this game haha
So like it says, I'm walking home with Yusuke, and he's the "gentleman" type, you know sweet and stuff
And suddenly Syo comes along! And since we're at the park, he starts talking about how the park reminds him of his hometown and get's all sad and makes you feel sorry for him. But Syo is the type who openly says he loves me and is outspoken and wild lol
Shit just got real....
So then Syo ends up not letting go of me and insisting he takes me home.
So at this point i'm like "What do i do>?! What do i do?!" XD I ended up taking the second option: Syo, please let me go.
And then the chapter keeps going, and I say something like "This is like the frog and the snake!" Apparently it's a Japanese probverb, but I have no idea what it means. lol So I chose Yusuke as the snake (and that's a good thing lol) But then it get's awkward and so I say this....
Really I'm just trying to escape the situation, using this as an excuse, but STILL
ahahahaha this game is too funny! XD
SO who do you like? I like Yusuke, the more gentleman-like, kind type. Like a prince!! :Db
Till next time!!!!! :3