I had a running request post up at my personal journal for a while and a few made use of it, so I thought it was time to put that request post up here instead of having it up at my personal lj, seeing as this is my graphics journal.
You can request icons, headers and even screencaps here at any time you want.
The rules are under here )
Can I have a CSI Nick/Sara header?
Size: 650x350
Pictures: 1 2 3
Text: You're by my side
Now everything's fine
and then in a smaller text - adozenrainbows @ lj
Other: I'd just like a simple effect. Nothing to fancy.
Thanks so much!
I would love to do Nick/Sara. I've never made CSI icons or art before, but I do love the show. Thanks for giving me text to work with and I will try to keep it simple, though that's mostly my style. Also, you didn't specify, but since you want your name on it, I'm guessing you don't want it to be sharable?
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