It's been a seriously long time since I last posted screencaps. I watched this movie last weekend and fell in love with it and when I went in search of screencaps, I noticed that there weren't any. So I figured I'd have to make my own ones and decided to also share them. I capped the entire movie and I hope these caps are of use to some of you. If I find that the captures from the actual dvd, which I'll get soon, are loads better in quality, I'll definetly try to cap that as well if there's interest in that.
I'm actually debating capping more stuff from now on and I've been debating putting up a gallery for my screencaps at my own domain, but I have yet to decide if I want to do that and how I want to do that. But for now there are at least these captures.
About the caps:
There are a total of 1258 caps. They're all 1280x570 in size.
I zipped the caps in four parts, which you'll find below the previews. The size for each part is mentioned there as well.
You can use these captures for whatever you want, but don't re-distribute them or directlink the samples. And please credit
fly_meaway if you use them.
Also, I'd appreciate if you comment here saying you took them, I'd love to know if they're of use to you. (Also if you ever have some requests also regarding scenes, just let me know.)
(Click to see the full size)
(I uploaded to two sources so you can pick whichever works best for you. If you need me to reupload, just comment.)
Part 1 (44 MB):
Megaupload &
MediafirePart 2 (39 MB):
Megaupload &
MediafirePart 3 (40 MB):
Megaupload &
MediafirePart 4 (42 MB):
Megaupload &