Dec 23, 2005 17:33
Since it's my favorite holiday and season of the year, I figured I should also give something back. Because I love doing that and I appreciate all the people that have friended this community or that come to check regularly.
So if you would like me to make you an interest icon, a non-shareable interest icon, just comment here and I'll make you one.
They won't be done before Christmas, but I definetly hope they'll be done before the new year. I just thought of this way too late, so I'm already swamped with doing other stuff ;)
ETA: Quite a lot more people commented than I thought, but that's nice and I just wanted to let you guys now that I'm definetly not closing this now, so you can keep commenting if you want an interest icon :D
I thought it was time to close this.
I'm hoping I'll have all of your interest icons done soon, but this week I have to focus on studying for three huge exams first. But they're my first priority after I'm done!