Jul 03, 2010 22:36
Current Song: Our Great God - Enfield's Hymns CD
Maybe its just me. Maybe its because my diet has been full of trash lately. Maybe its because tomorrow is the 4th. I haven't felt like this in a long time.
I wonder if this happens every time you move. I also wonder if it will linger right along side with me into Arizona. Stupid feeling. It should go die.
I'm moving back to Arizona before the 20th. I got a call from Kylie on Tuesday (June 29th) saying that the place had finally closed and we were in escrow. Escrow closes July 30th and they need to do a walk through 10 days prior. The property needs to be vacant when the walk through is performed. That gives me exactly 3 weeks... 21 days... to be out.
Technically its not legal. Technically because I'm a renter, because the place is being forclosed upon/ short saled, and because of a law that Obama passed, I'm legally entitled to a whopping 90 days. They're giving me less than 30. The Christian thing to do sure isn't throw lawyers into the mix, so I'm moving out by when they tell me. Besides, I've been blessed with no rent since my lay off. I'm not going to try to stretch a miracle. Thank you Jesus for what you've given me.
Lord, thank you. Thank you for my time out here. You used the most unusual of circumstances to bring me to salvation, and I will forever be grateful to You for that. Getting me fired to bring me to California, only to use that to bring me to true salvation. Thank you Father. Thank you for everything that you've given me out here, and I'm sorry for everything that I took advantage of. Lord thank you for all of the blessings, the miracles, the circumstances, and most of all (besides my salvation) thank you for the people that you brought into my life. I will forever be grateful to You for that as well. People are always the best gift that anybody could ever receive.
Thank you for my time. Thank you for all the times that I got to spend on the beach and seeing Your beautiful Earth. All the times on the bikes and in thought, all the times in the mountains, deserts, on the coasts, and yes, even in traffic. Thank you Father.
Thank you for the job that you provided me with. Thank you for taking care of my means and needs. Thank you for accepting my apologies and loving me all the same, even tho my actions so often say "I hate you." Thank you for loving me all the same in spite of who I am. And thank you for taking upon your shoulders all of my anxieties.
Father, my King. I fall to my knees and thank you secondly only to my salvation for my friends. My family that you have provided me with out here. They have carried me more than (I hope) they will ever know. Lord, the love that You have shown me through them has been more than imaginable. The joy that I experience when in their presence is more than I will ever be able to show to any of them, and I think that I'll always have a sliver of regret for that. I just pray that You know my heart and that all the glory that I could ever want to express to You by showing love to them does indeed make it to you. I don't know how, but I pray that it does. And, while I think its futile, I pray that all of the people in my life know that I love them as well. For their sake Lord, so that they know that befriending me wasn't a mistake or burden for them, as I pray that I was a blessing to them. Sadly again, I'm full of regret as I only think that its too late for prayers on that topic. I've been who I've been and they think of me as they will. Lord please help me make better decisions in the future. For Your glory Father. Please.
My Great King, it is because of your wonderfulness and the love that You have shown me that I stand tall and, while my heart has not just taped, but sewn itself to many things here, I tear it away mercilessly in order to follow where You instruct me. Lord, I don't care that this may be the first of many scars with stitching outlines. Lord, You're worth more than that. You're worth more than my heart, more than my feelings, more than any pain that can be attached to either of them any part of my body. Father, you are worth more than everything that ever I am and ever could even hope to ever be. And because I am Yours, as whole heartedly as I can be, through and through, that I follow you. And if there is a trail of blood that goes around the globe in the path of where You take me, then so be it. I pray that my blood would lead other people to You so that they may know of who You truly are, and that they may fall even more madly in love with you than I.
Lord, if its Your will that I stay nostalgic over stuff to greater glorify Your Holy Name then how blessed am I to receive such an honor. Father, I just pray that, regardless of what I go through, that You use me to Your Glory and to bring others to You. Jesus, my great King, I worship You and You alone, and I pour out my life as an offering to you as best I know how. Please help me do it more, because I hate failing You and bringing shame to Your name.
Thank you for directing my path, and for the courage to follow it. I love you my King. Thank you. Amen.