Vent time! =D

May 07, 2010 19:34

Yay for vent time! =D

Mark Driscoll posts some tips every now and then on facebook. They're almost always phenominal. This one was no different.

Mark Driscoll Date Night Tip #4 - Husbands, plan out your date nights. Ask your wife in advance what sounds good, see what your options are, make a plan, & she’ll be thankful.

Brilliant! I agree 100% and am thankful that he throw stuff like this out there. So why the beef Jason? If you like it what's the issue?

The replies from other people.  Have a look at some:

- She keeps telling me this - but I'm too thick to do it! :)
- There's your next tips, husband and father things too....Hurry please, my husband needs some help!
- Surprising her with every detail planned would score even better in my book.
- Please write a book and do an audio version for these wonderful tips. My husband needs them!!

That's 4/6 of the first 6 replies. The other 2 were "Amen" and "I think we should clone husbands like you." Anyways. So why do I get all worked up? Lemme show you what I see.

- She keeps telling me this - but I'm too thick to do it! :)
- There's your next tips, husband and father things too....Hurry please, my husband needs some help!
- Surprising her with every detail planned would score even better in my book.
- Please write a book and do an audio version for these wonderful tips. My husband needs them!!

Since marriage is the topic of conversation, let me ask everybody a question.  Would you like to marry someone that is selfish?  Why not?  Think about that for just a minute, then continue.

Could it be that you want someone that's not selfish because it would benefit you?  Hmm... that seems kind of, *gasp!* selfish.  Don't you think?

Now put aside your "But but but!" and just listen for a second, please.  I'm not here to chew you out.  I want you to think and use that brain of yours.  Because I'm selfish too.

Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you a story that was told to me.

A lady goes into a pastor's office and says that she wants a divorce.  She's totally over it.  Her husband sucks.  The pastor tries to reason with her and she won't budge.  She's given all she's got to give.  So the pastor says this:

"Will you be willing to try one thing?  Just one thing, and if this doesn't work, then we'll go ahead with the divorce." (By the way, to my knowledge, there's only 1 Biblical ground for divorce.  I'll go into that another time.)
"Okay."  She conceded.  "I'll try one thing."
"I want you to give your husband everything he wants.  I want you to cater to his every need, wish and request.  Have dinner ready when he gets home, have the house clean, do the things he wants to do, watch the things he wants to watch.  Give him everything in the world."
"WHAT!"  She exclaims.  "I want to divorce this guy and you want me to give him everything he wants?!"
"That's right.  Will you try that?  For me?  Give it a couple of months.  Then if it doesn't work, we'll go ahead with the divorce."  She regrettingly agrees and goes home.
Several months pass and the pastor doesn't hear anything from her.  Curious, he gives her a call.  "Hi, this is Pastor so and so.  I haven't heard anything from you since we last met and I was wondering if you wanted to go ahead with the divorce."
"Divorce?  Why on earth would I want that?  I've got the greatest husband in the world!"

What in the world happened?  I'll tell you what was said to me.  She started meeting his needs, so he started to love her more.  He started giving more of himself to her, which of course made her more eager to please him, and then the cycle continues.

I heard a gentleman from church tell his wife over the phone one time.  "How can I be a blessing to you?"  I was floored.  Ladies and gentlemen,  that is what marriage is about: being a blessing to the other person.  Its not about getting what you want.  Its about giving to the other person.  Love is sacrificial (That means it costs you something that you don't wanna give up... you know... a SACRIFICE >.>)  not reciprocal.  If you're in it to get love, then you need to step back and check yourself.

"Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends."  John 15:13.  Its true.  And that doesn't mean just die for them.  That means give up your life for them.  Are you willing to give up what you like to do for your girlfriend,boyfriend,husband,wife?  Why not?  This is what the Bible says:

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her - Ephesians 5:25 nasb
Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. - Ephesians 5:22 - esv

Now you guys can hate me for this.  That's fine.  You can go off and get married and be selfish and complain about how your husband or wife doesn't do what you want (Or keep complaining in the case of some of you >.>).  That's fine.  I'll be sitting with a bag of popcorn watching the show and waiting for things to get bad enough that someone actually has to give up their pride and ask for help.  And then I'll point you to the Bible which has been right for 21 centuries and you can either give up your selfishness or stay selfish, because that's really what it comes down to.

This is why this is a vent session and not a counciling session, because 1, I'm talking to an invisible audience (I <3 U Guys BTW) and 2, because this stuff makes me sick.  I don't know about you, but reading this stuff makes me not want to get married.  If that's what being married is about, then its no wonder Paul said it was better to stay single.  Sheesh, forget that.

But then again I suppose not wanting to get married because people are selfish is selfish of me (I told you I was).  I guess I need to fix that huh.  As the great Red Green once said, "We're all in this together, and I'm pulling for ya.

Please fix us so that we may glorify you through our relationships father.  Thank you.  Amen.
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