picspam: Sam/Finn moments, Glee 2x01

May 22, 2011 22:11

I'm cataloging all of Sam & Finn's moments from season 2, with a focus mainly on those they have together. I'm including more or less every moment with Finn or Sam in it, because I'm trying to perfect my characterization of them, but I think you'll find the graphic emphasis is on Sam/Finn moments. :)

Note: Please do not post any of these on Tumblr as original posts. ('Reaction' gifs are ok, just don't take credit.) If you'd like to reblog, you can find them all under this tag. And feel free to ask if you'd like them for something else.

Obviously this episode is a big deal for Sam and Finn because it's where we first see Sam. Finn is the first one to notice him, and then he notices him again, and then he seeks him out. If not for Finn's actions here, Sam may never have joined the glee club. With slash goggles on, it seems pretty clear that Sam is into Finn right from the start. His smiles whenever he talks to him are ridiculously obvious. Finn also seems pretty enamored of Sam, if you ask me. I look at some of these caps / gifs and think, Wow. We can't make this stuff up. It's no wonder I ship them so hard. :P


Jacob: Rachel, how do you respond to rumors you're incredibly difficult to work with?
Finn: Well, as her boyfriend, I can answer that.
Rachel: We've been dating all summer.
Finn: Rachel's what you call a controllist.
Rachel: I'm controlling. Controllist isn't a word. I'm controlling. Performing is my life. And yes, do I have opinions about it? Does need to constantly express those opinions annoy me fellow glee clubbers?
Finn: Yes, yeah. ... That was out loud, wasn't it?


Empire State of Mind

(click for larger)


Finn (voiceover): I was really excited about my glee club recruit poster design. I made it super masculine, just like these pamphlets I saw some army guys passing out at the daycare center. Then... I heard something.

Finn (voiceover): It was this new transfer kid. I saw him tapping his foot when we busted out in the courtyard the day before.

(click for larger)

Finn (voiceover): I would've jumped in with a kick-ass harmony, but... the dude was naked.


[After Coach Bieste tears down the flyer]
Finn: We're trying to recruit new members for glee club.


Artie: I figured that if Kurt's gay and he can do it, then why can't I?
Finn: Being gay isn't a handicap, Artie.
Finn: How can you play football in a wheelchair, anyway?
Artie: I have to get on that team, Finn.
Finn: Dude, what's this about?
Artie: Tina. She dumped me for Mike Chang.

Finn: So what did Tina say when she broke up with you?

Finn: Dude, I'm sympathetic for you. I just don't see you on the football team.
Artie: Imagine you were pushing me in this big hunk of metal down the field at full speed. The centrifugal force would be too much to stop. I'd be like a medieval battering ram.
Finn: Dude, you'd be like a human cannonball. That'd be awesome!
Artie: So you'll help?
Finn: Sure. You gotta help me first.


Finn: Hey! Sam! My name's Finn, this here's Artie.

Sam: Uh, I know who you are. You're the... the quarterback.

Finn: Exactly, which makes me very cool. And we'd like to talk to you about glee club.


Finn: So, Sam, tell us about yourself.
Sam: My name's Sam Evans. I like comic books, sports. I'm dyslexic so my grades aren't that good, but... I'm working on it.
Puck: Dude, your mouth is huge. How many tennis balls can you fit in there?
Sam: I don't know, I've never had any balls in my mouth. Have you?
Puck: ...*smirk*

Finn: ...I like this kid.
Artie: I like his confidence. But the Bieber cut's gotta go.

Puck: So can you sing with that big mouth?
Sam: Uh, I've never really sung in front of anybody before.
Puck: Dude, lemme tell ya. Chicks dig singers.
Finn: Well, give it a shot. We'll back you up, I promise. What song you got in your back pocket?

Sam: Um... Billionaire?


Sam: *laughs* That was really cool!

Finn: Nice! So you think you can come back and do that in front of everybody?

Sam: Sure.


Finn: Hey coach. This is Artie. He'd like to try out for the team.
Bieste: You screwin' with me?
Finn: No, no. Absolutely not. See, we figured that if--if I pushed him down the field fast enough, that the cent...centrifi--
Artie: Centrifugal.
Finn: Centrifugal force--
Bieste: You're out.
Finn: Wait, w-what?
Bieste: You're off the team. Cut. Out. You come in here pushin' a kid in a wheelchair, making me look like I'm some kind of monster because I have to tell him he can't play?
Finn: No! No, that's not what was goin' on here, Artie--
Artie: I really wanna play. I want my girlfriend back, and I want abs.
Finn: Yeah, he's like a human battering ram, like Braveheart!
Bieste: You know what, I don't like being screwed with! Do you understand me!?
Finn: Dude, you're totally overreacting!
Bieste: 'Dude'? Get the hell out of my locker room! GO! You think this is some joke?!


Finn: I'm Finn Hudson, and I'd like to audition for the Cheerios.
Finn: Coach Bieste cut me off the football team. I'm not the quarterback anymore, which means I'm nothing. I miss being popular.
Becky: This is really embarrassing.
Finn: I have really great leadership skills, and, uh. I'm athletic! So I can help with the lifts and stuff. I hope you'll consider me.


Finn: Please, Coach. Don't do this to me. I need football, it's who I am!
Bieste: I thought you were the glee guy. I mean, what with all the signs you put up in my locker room.
Schue: Finn is a really good kid. Give him a chance to show you.


Finn: Just wait. My buddy Sam's gonna try out. He totally idolizes me.
Kurt: Oh, face it, Finn. You're no longer the quarterback. You're not the Pied Piper anymore. No one's gonna follow you around thinking everything you do is cool.


Finn: Hey man, uh, why didn't you show at the audition?
Sam: I wanted to, I did. But after what Coach Bieste did to you. Do you know how everybody talks about you glee guys?
Finn: Oh, yeah, you... get used to all that.
Sam: Finn, I'm the new guy. That means I'm already on the outside looking in. I don't wanna start off three touchdowns behind.

Sam: I gotta go. Coach Bieste makes us do a hundred push-ups for every minute we're late, so.
Finn: Yeah, you made the team, that's cool! What position?
Sam: Quarterback.


Rachel: What did they say?
Finn: Well, I talked 'em out of giving you a code red. They were pissed! And they had a right to be. What you did was bad, Rachel! We could've used Sunshine to beat Vocal Adrenaline, and now they're just that much stronger.
Rachel: Just do it already.
Finn: What?
Rachel: Break up with me. Okay, we both knew it was just a matter of time.
Finn: I think you're forgetting I'm not the quarterback anymore. I'm just another glee loser now. The fact is you should be breaking up with me.
Rachel: I'll never break up with you.
Finn: Me neither.
Rachel: I did it for the team, you know.
Finn: :|
Rachel: I just, I love everybody so much, I didn't want anybody else coming in and interfering.
Finn: You gotta stop sayin' that, Rachel. I care about you and everything, but. You gotta admit the truth. You didn't do this because you love glee club, you did it because you love yourself more.
Rachel: Okay. I didn't want anyone else hogging my spotlight, okay? I love it too much to let it go that easy. Do you think they'll ever forgive me?
Finn: They'll come around. I think apologizing would be a good start.


This was fun! I can't promise I'll do so many graphics for the other episodes, but I'll definitely do them for the Sam/Finn moments. Comments are much appreciated, so I know I'm not just speaking into the void. You know what else is welcome? COMMENT FIC! This is my shiny new favorite pairing, so I'd love to hear from others who ship them. :)

type: picspam, pairing: sam/finn, fandom: glee

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