This is all part of me and Luke N.'s evil plan.
LukeTheMMouse: I love Death Cab for Cutie
robotsAreTIGHT: i heard they were snotty
LukeTheMMouse: I really hope thats not true
LukeTheMMouse: I hate when that happens
robotsAreTIGHT: Like with Bright Eyes
LukeTheMMouse: what about them?
robotsAreTIGHT: I was really hoping that Conor would be and I had all these expectations
robotsAreTIGHT: And I've not really heard anything too good about him
LukeTheMMouse: that sucks
robotsAreTIGHT: He was fine at the show and stuff
robotsAreTIGHT: but people say he's an asshole
LukeTheMMouse: goddamn why do the assholes gotta write such GREAT lines
robotsAreTIGHT: I know
robotsAreTIGHT: Grr.
robotsAreTIGHT: And I think he's coked out, too.
LukeTheMMouse: maybe he is just short and blunt with people because so many people probably come up to him and say the same things
LukeTheMMouse: that can change a guy
robotsAreTIGHT: Yeah, totally.
LukeTheMMouse: I hate cocaine
robotsAreTIGHT: But I just want him to be like I see him in my head
LukeTheMMouse: maybe its just better to imagine him like that
LukeTheMMouse: dont break the perfect image
robotsAreTIGHT: Like I saw him before the show and he always looks so vulnerable and nice and stuff
LukeTheMMouse: of someone that could actually be that perfect
robotsAreTIGHT: And I was like, "man...i bet he's nice."
robotsAreTIGHT: Yeah, he's not Jesus or something I guess.
LukeTheMMouse: vunerable is hot
LukeTheMMouse: I've decided
LukeTheMMouse: or humble I guess
robotsAreTIGHT: Yeah, modesty is the new sexy.
LukeTheMMouse: haha, yes I suppose thats true
robotsAreTIGHT: Like Pink is the new Black.
LukeTheMMouse: wow maybe Im comming into style!
robotsAreTIGHT: I think I must be in style too
robotsAreTIGHT: with the pink
LukeTheMMouse: good
LukeTheMMouse: then we will both be sexy
LukeTheMMouse: and just not know what to do with ourselfs
robotsAreTIGHT: Then since we're sexy, we'll switch bodies
LukeTheMMouse: haha
robotsAreTIGHT: and do it, to go with the sexy.
LukeTheMMouse: good plan
LukeTheMMouse: but then be really modest about the sex, so that it will be super hot
LukeTheMMouse: and maybe have pink sheets
robotsAreTIGHT: Modest sex, with pink sheets. And vulnerability.
LukeTheMMouse: oh god
robotsAreTIGHT: So I'll share something deep and moving with you.
LukeTheMMouse: I dream of it
robotsAreTIGHT: And you have to do the same.
LukeTheMMouse: seriously stop because that sounds so nice
robotsAreTIGHT: Or something that is really typically dark and jaded and still sexy
LukeTheMMouse: Im too lonely to be joking about that
LukeTheMMouse: hahaha
robotsAreTIGHT: lol
LukeTheMMouse: your just going to make me cry
LukeTheMMouse: and you dont want that do you!
LukeTheMMouse: oh wait...that would be vunerable
LukeTheMMouse: and that would just be sexy too
robotsAreTIGHT: So okay, cry while we're having sex
robotsAreTIGHT: Then it's like the whole package
LukeTheMMouse: now you gotta smile really big
LukeTheMMouse: but a modest smile
robotsAreTIGHT: I know! It has to be jaded and masochistic!
robotsAreTIGHT: And blush
LukeTheMMouse: exactly
LukeTheMMouse: and dont show teeth
LukeTheMMouse: closed mouth smile
LukeTheMMouse: and look away breifly
robotsAreTIGHT: (look at this) GL0RYH0G: cuz i still wanna slash his face into ground beef, the pis son him and cut at his dick with a rusty blade....but no t right now cuz i am resting my head on the coptuer screen.
GL0RYH0G: oh man.
GL0RYH0G: jn crazy foo.
GL0RYH0G: crazy.
robotsAreTIGHT: I have to pee, Todd.
robotsAreTIGHT: So I can help.
robotsAreTIGHT: And pee on him.
robotsAreTIGHT: Because that's what people do
robotsAreTIGHT: pee on other people.
robotsAreTIGHT: ........
LukeTheMMouse: HAHA
robotsAreTIGHT: Something is definately wrong with me.
robotsAreTIGHT: lol
LukeTheMMouse: no doubt about it
robotsAreTIGHT: But anyway, back to our vulnerable sex.
LukeTheMMouse: I dont know if we can get any more vunerable
robotsAreTIGHT: I could gentle stroke your face
robotsAreTIGHT: that's pretty wussy
LukeTheMMouse: haha
LukeTheMMouse: and I could ask if your ok
robotsAreTIGHT: Then I could breathe on you
LukeTheMMouse: and you could nod your head
robotsAreTIGHT: and wince every once in awhile
LukeTheMMouse: oh god
LukeTheMMouse: haha
robotsAreTIGHT: And sigh
robotsAreTIGHT: and then give you butterfly kisses
robotsAreTIGHT: and shake
LukeTheMMouse: shake yeah!
LukeTheMMouse: and rub noses together
robotsAreTIGHT: i totally have to pee again
LukeTheMMouse: just pee your pants
robotsAreTIGHT: one thing you should know, i pee a lot
robotsAreTIGHT: you said that so beautifully
robotsAreTIGHT: like it was the most simple solution
robotsAreTIGHT: "Oh, honey, just pee your pants!"
LukeTheMMouse: haha, yep, totally logical
LukeTheMMouse: you silly little thing, your still using the toilet? Your getting too old for that, just pee your pants!"
robotsAreTIGHT: hahaha
robotsAreTIGHT: you make me laugh
LukeTheMMouse: no I make you cry
LukeTheMMouse: cause we are vunerable
robotsAreTIGHT: let's make that our goal
robotsAreTIGHT: to be as vulnerable as possible
LukeTheMMouse: hahaha
robotsAreTIGHT: wait, that's pretty vulnerable
robotsAreTIGHT: to make "goals"
LukeTheMMouse: ok, we gotta get really scared any time there is a loud noise
robotsAreTIGHT: Will you hold my hand?
LukeTheMMouse: and if anyone gets too close we gotta get really close and hold each other
LukeTheMMouse: and talk really lightly
LukeTheMMouse: and look down mostly
robotsAreTIGHT: and when someone says hi, keep it simple
robotsAreTIGHT: a quiet, breathy "hey" will suffice
LukeTheMMouse: exactly!
robotsAreTIGHT: or maybe a quick half-smile
robotsAreTIGHT: and eye contact is out of the question
LukeTheMMouse: then quickly get distracted by something
robotsAreTIGHT: for more than 2 seconds
robotsAreTIGHT: yeah, like that boy in the corner
LukeTheMMouse: except with each other
robotsAreTIGHT: reading "catcher in the rye"
LukeTheMMouse: because we are so scared of PEOPLE
robotsAreTIGHT: sipping his chai tea latte
robotsAreTIGHT: yeah
LukeTheMMouse: yeah we will have to get some tea
robotsAreTIGHT: and what do we wear?
LukeTheMMouse: dont worry I know your a broke ho so I'll buy it
LukeTheMMouse: bundle up for winter
LukeTheMMouse: you got a scarf?
robotsAreTIGHT: okay, i can provide scarves
LukeTheMMouse: good
robotsAreTIGHT: i have like 5
LukeTheMMouse: cause I dont have one
robotsAreTIGHT: rad
robotsAreTIGHT: i shall give you one
robotsAreTIGHT: as a gift
robotsAreTIGHT: showing my adoration
robotsAreTIGHT: and my extra vulnerable things
robotsAreTIGHT: things
robotsAreTIGHT: haha
robotsAreTIGHT: showing my "things"
robotsAreTIGHT: god, i'm tired.
LukeTheMMouse: haha, and maybe when we get really courageous with someone Ill go, "she...gave me this scarf"
robotsAreTIGHT: and not specify who "she" is
LukeTheMMouse: exactly
robotsAreTIGHT: We should be Scientologists
robotsAreTIGHT: that's really
LukeTheMMouse: someone goes "HOW YA BEEN BUDDY!"
robotsAreTIGHT: haha
LukeTheMMouse: "she gave me this scarf" is the only reply
robotsAreTIGHT: and we tremble and utter a song lyric
robotsAreTIGHT: what are some vulnerable lyrics?
LukeTheMMouse: hm..
robotsAreTIGHT: Something from a vulnerable group
LukeTheMMouse: bright eyes then
LukeTheMMouse: haha
robotsAreTIGHT: Bright Eyes
robotsAreTIGHT: lol
robotsAreTIGHT: "So take my hand, this barren land is alive tonight."
robotsAreTIGHT: So vulnerable.
LukeTheMMouse: "you were the switch on the wall in the dark of the hall that Im still fumbling for"
robotsAreTIGHT: do you know that BE has funny lyrics?
robotsAreTIGHT: This is a funny BE lyric: "I went and looked her in the eyes and she turned me into sand."
robotsAreTIGHT: i just think it's funny
LukeTheMMouse: I think ive heard that...
robotsAreTIGHT: Cus you're sand.
robotsAreTIGHT: It's from "The Center of the World".
robotsAreTIGHT: One of my favorites.
LukeTheMMouse: yes
LukeTheMMouse: I knew I had heard it
robotsAreTIGHT: I need to listen to that album again
robotsAreTIGHT: thank god the person who stole a lot of my CDs had no taste
robotsAreTIGHT: they didnt take ANY at the drive in's or bright eyes
LukeTheMMouse: YES!!
robotsAreTIGHT: or the postal service
robotsAreTIGHT: wha?
LukeTheMMouse: good
robotsAreTIGHT: superb.
LukeTheMMouse: Im glad they didnt take any of the good shit
robotsAreTIGHT: My vulnerable lover...
robotsAreTIGHT: OH!
robotsAreTIGHT: IDEAS!
robotsAreTIGHT: I can glance at you through strands of my hair
robotsAreTIGHT: and quickly look back down at my book
robotsAreTIGHT: the book being something extrememly vulnerable
robotsAreTIGHT: like, "The Perks of Being a Wallflower".
LukeTheMMouse: "Ill settle down with some old story, about a boy whos just like me, thought there was love in everything and everyone your so naive, they always reach a sorry ending, they always get it in the end, and then with that winning smile the boy, with naivety set seeds, at the final moment I cried, i always cry at endings"
LukeTheMMouse: those are the most vunerable boy lyrics i know
robotsAreTIGHT: awwwwwwww
robotsAreTIGHT: lol
robotsAreTIGHT: i confess
robotsAreTIGHT: i like that stuff
robotsAreTIGHT: lol
LukeTheMMouse: shhhh, I do too
robotsAreTIGHT: Like this one Sigur Ros
LukeTheMMouse: it is the sigur ros song that is on the Vannilla Sky soundtrack?
robotsAreTIGHT: i do not know
LukeTheMMouse: but they are so sad
robotsAreTIGHT: yeah
robotsAreTIGHT: it's slow and things.
robotsAreTIGHT: I havent heard it in awhile.
robotsAreTIGHT: Do you know a band called Idiot Pilot?
robotsAreTIGHT: They are from Bellingham
LukeTheMMouse: Sven-g-englar
robotsAreTIGHT: YEAH! That one.
LukeTheMMouse: thats the name of the song Im thinking of
robotsAreTIGHT: It rules.
LukeTheMMouse: RAD!
LukeTheMMouse: yes it does
LukeTheMMouse: haha, Im playing it right now
robotsAreTIGHT: See? We'll make beautiful vulnerable partners.
LukeTheMMouse: totally
robotsAreTIGHT: i need pajamas.
LukeTheMMouse: go get pajamas
LukeTheMMouse: I have still yet to decide whether I am going to sleep
LukeTheMMouse: like, TONIGHT
LukeTheMMouse: more good vunerable lines:
LukeTheMMouse: The clock on the walk said I should have been dead yesterday
Im still here, but there's no point
No grand design, no girl of fate, no promise made
By any God from long ago when humans knew what it meant
To live, and not even think about living
And, to love, without even thinking of what they'd get in return
I wish I was a caveman
I wish I was a happy man
I wish I was a sailor
And I could sail the seas
And forget about your eyes
LukeTheMMouse: sappy sappy sappy
robotsAreTIGHT: brings tears to my vulnerable eyes.
robotsAreTIGHT: omg
robotsAreTIGHT: i'm cold
robotsAreTIGHT: i just noticed it
LukeTheMMouse: get a blanket!
LukeTheMMouse: a PINK blanket
LukeTheMMouse: no actually I really want pink sheets now that we talked about it
LukeTheMMouse: even though I think my mom would start to question me a lot
LukeTheMMouse: when I move out ill get them
LukeTheMMouse: maybe we can get a good two for one deal
robotsAreTIGHT: I just have my jazz choir sweatshirt
robotsAreTIGHT: and pants with cow spots on them
LukeTheMMouse: maybe we can get garrett to give us a deal at bed bath and beyond
robotsAreTIGHT: i saw him there on friday
robotsAreTIGHT: I have a new sex idea
LukeTheMMouse: give it
robotsAreTIGHT: we can clasp hands in the middle of it
robotsAreTIGHT: like, "we are one."
LukeTheMMouse: haha, and hold eachother tighter than anyone has ever held us
LukeTheMMouse: and I can sing lightly to you as you fall asleep
LukeTheMMouse: yeah there is lots of good after sex ideas too
robotsAreTIGHT: and breathe on my skin
robotsAreTIGHT: so i feel the warmth
LukeTheMMouse: I was going to say tickle fight, just cause its sounds fun, but thats not very vunerablish
robotsAreTIGHT: too catty
LukeTheMMouse: haha
robotsAreTIGHT: i could tell you that you're my shining star
LukeTheMMouse: I could whisper in your ear that your amazing
robotsAreTIGHT: AHHHH!
robotsAreTIGHT: *shreak*
robotsAreTIGHT: that's PERFECT
robotsAreTIGHT: that's completely perfect!
robotsAreTIGHT: The "you're amazing" whisper
LukeTheMMouse: :-)
robotsAreTIGHT: omg
robotsAreTIGHT: you rock my world
robotsAreTIGHT: oh my jeez
robotsAreTIGHT: lol
LukeTheMMouse: hahaha, your great sarah
robotsAreTIGHT: i can also watch your chest rise and fall with every breath as you slip out of conciousness
robotsAreTIGHT: thanks!
LukeTheMMouse: and when you wake up you see me staring at you
LukeTheMMouse: and I tell you to go back to sleep, so i can watch you some more
robotsAreTIGHT: hahhaah
robotsAreTIGHT: i'd be like, "bitch get up out mah face!"
robotsAreTIGHT: and grab a cro-bar
robotsAreTIGHT: and then you'd be shocked
robotsAreTIGHT: cause i'm not vulnerable anymore
LukeTheMMouse: but then ill grab one too
robotsAreTIGHT: lol
LukeTheMMouse: and we will have an epic sword fight
robotsAreTIGHT: hahah
robotsAreTIGHT: we cant
robotsAreTIGHT: we're vulnerable.
robotsAreTIGHT: God, Luke.
LukeTheMMouse: haha
robotsAreTIGHT: Instead, I look down, and exhale, and look back up into your eyes
robotsAreTIGHT: And then we kiss, but it's barely a kiss
robotsAreTIGHT: more like a hover above the lips kind of deal
LukeTheMMouse: yeah, more just touching lips
robotsAreTIGHT: yeah
LukeTheMMouse: and I gotta kiss your eye brows
robotsAreTIGHT: like those dumb models do in their underpants
robotsAreTIGHT: hahaha
LukeTheMMouse: and your eyes lids
robotsAreTIGHT: or someplace really weird
robotsAreTIGHT: and rarely kissed
LukeTheMMouse: we can do like in Amelie
robotsAreTIGHT: like my wrists
robotsAreTIGHT: EEK
robotsAreTIGHT: <---loves that movie
LukeTheMMouse: when she kisses him three times
robotsAreTIGHT: each cheek
LukeTheMMouse: then points
robotsAreTIGHT: yeah
LukeTheMMouse: yes
LukeTheMMouse: perfect
robotsAreTIGHT: or we could Amelie-ize the whole thing
LukeTheMMouse: that will have to be a part of it
robotsAreTIGHT: Sometime during the sex I can dip my hand into a sack of grain.
LukeTheMMouse: so when we have sex I guess we will have to have a check list
robotsAreTIGHT: lol
robotsAreTIGHT: yeah
robotsAreTIGHT: The awesome thing is, we'll never run out of vulnerable things
robotsAreTIGHT: We need categories
robotsAreTIGHT: like....
robotsAreTIGHT: Communication & Interaction
robotsAreTIGHT: Appearance
robotsAreTIGHT: Behavior
robotsAreTIGHT: things like that.
robotsAreTIGHT: As to maximize our vulnerability.
LukeTheMMouse: haha
LukeTheMMouse: exactly
LukeTheMMouse: and mix and match certain ones
LukeTheMMouse: to keep it interesting
robotsAreTIGHT: lol
robotsAreTIGHT: haha
robotsAreTIGHT: yeah
robotsAreTIGHT: so every day
robotsAreTIGHT: it's like a vulnerability grab-bag of sorts