Nov 08, 2003 01:07
So I didn't get to go to the Fox Island show. But it turned out good that I didn't anyway.
Me and Ash and Jeffrey went to the Supermall...did stuff. Hung out, and saw 235384 people we knew, and met up with Josh and Jessie and that Tony dude. We talked forever and made fun of people in the food court, then went and sat in McD's and talked forever too...then Ash and Jeff went home, so the rest of us cruised in Josh's fly pimp-wagon, bumpin phat beats and whatnot.
Then Morgan calls, I guess they all left early. They were all at Denny's, so I had Josh take me there and we (Morgan, Nate, Mike, Chad, Nichole, Anibal) hung out for a good while. All the drama kids were there, which was coolish. Didn't hang out with them much though. We talked about crap. Well, more like I told dumb stories and they broke out the "dude, she's STACKED!" line about 300 times.
Good times.
My stupid thumbs always get cut open without me knowing it. Until I glance down, and there's blood on my hands. WTF!??!!
Love, Sarah
P.S. Kiwi's newest word find: "Turd-Burgler".