ripped me a new one

Nov 27, 2006 14:42

(that is my new hair, btw!)

so the show was good. we opted for standing up on the balcony this time instead of down in the crowd. sometimes i regretted it (i couldn't be 3 feet away from my love, scott klopfenstein), but it was nice not to be cramped and actually have some room to move around and dance.

westbound train was nice and good for dancing except holden and rob did not want to dance with me. lame.

suburban legends was for the win. they definitely had the best performance of the night. they have this amazing energy, good music, and sweet dance moves!!! they seriously put my faith back into music and ska.

one of the douchebag bouncers took my camera from me during suburban legends because i was recording a video. a crappy, 3 megapixel video with the worst sound quality ever. he said i either had to delete the video or give him the camera. my delete button is broken on the camera so i had no choice. it didn't really make any sense though. even if i could delete it, i could've just recorded another. wtf. i also saw tons of other people recording on their cameras and no action was taken for them. UGH.

so i was in a shitty mood during streetlight manifesto and i don't really remember their set. i just remember standing there being pissed off. lulz.

but all was well again when reel big fish played. they played a lot of my favorite songs and that was aweeesssooommee. like i said in my previous entry, getting to hear them play "good thing" live with rob, after all we've been through, was truly amazing. it was also really therapeutic to sing/scream along to "where have you been." i was a little upset they didn't do the cover of "boys don't cry." they always do the a-ha cover instead. :(

good show. really good show. <3

more photos (BUT NONE OF RBF >:O):

soon i get to go to westminster and spend a lovely evening with my boyfriend who i miss terribly already. :(

music, show, reel big fish, rob

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