ugh you work at a mall island get a real job

May 30, 2006 23:13

so my parents and i all got new cell phones. i got a pink razr. ^_^;; anyway, so there were sim card issues/confusion. i took all three phones to the cingular island in the mall. the guy working there was a complete fucking asshole to me lkdfglkjdfglkdjfglkjglkj UGHHHHH. he pretty much treated me like crap the entire time. he tried to tell me we were still on at&t (cingular bought them) and needed to pay $85 to switch over and get our phones activated. bullshit!!! he gave me the cingular customer service phone number and jut walked away from me. fuck you, douchebag.

so i called the number and waited on hold for a good while. finally got to a really nice lady who told me that $85 thing was bull. she happily activated all three phones for me and even stayed on the line to make sure they all worked. i love nice people.

i feel like it's my duty in life to make that douchebag's life hell from now on. everytime i walk by that island and he's there, he's going to hear something from me.
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