Rules post

Jun 24, 2006 10:30

Welcome to mixshare! mixshare encourages its members to post complete mixes and playlists, along with cover art, that are available for download. They don't need to be themed or applicable to any particular fandom or event - simply sharing and recommending music in mix form is the modus operandi.

The Rules
1. This is NOT a request community, nor should it be used for question or discussion. Posts with entries like 'I'm looking for songs about graduation' or 'Does anybody have some good punk songs?' with be deleted by the mods.

2. Similarly, any promotions WILL BE DELETED. Every post should be a mix and nothing more.

3. Post each mix in a separate post. If you've made two mixes, great! Please make two different posts for them.

4. Your subject line should be either a title for the mix or a summary of genres and styles.

5. Please put your list of songs beneath an LJ cut. In the text for the LJ cut, please describe some genres of music covered by your mix. For instance: <*lj-cut text="Alternative, power pop, 60's rock"><*/lj-cut> [without the asterisks]

6. Mix posts are NOT just a list of songs. This is a sharing community. Please either upload each song separately or zip the files and upload the zip, and then post your link(s) in the post along with your mix. YouSendIt, MegaUpload and SendSpace are popular options with which to upload your music.

7. Cover art is not required, but it is encouraged. Get creative with your mixes! For photos, use Google Image Search or stock photos sites like Getty Images and Veer Images to get started. Quality is not a requirement - use anything from MS Paint to Photoshop!

8. If you do post a cover, please put all large images (larger than 200x200 pixels) beneath an LJ cut along with your mix. If you wish to preview the artwork, feel free to create a thumbnail image (200x200 for just the front cover, 400x200 for front and back).

9. Keep your posts friends-locked! They will be automatically locked - don't alter that, please!

10. Tag your entry with your username. This is in the interest of organization. Don't forget!

11. If you download a mix or song, be courteous and comment on that post.

12. Be polite! Don't mock or trash others' tastes in music. If you don't like the music, don't comment and don't download. Anyone who displays any severe disrespect will be banned.

13. Have fun!

For in-depth instructions about creating a postable mix, from zipping the songs to making the artwork, visit this tutorial. If all of the above rules are followed, your post should look like this.

Have any questions? Want to affliate with mixshare? Interested in becoming a moderater? Inquire in the comments!

* mod

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