It's been a long time since I've written, and I don't really have much to say today either. I'm in the midst of car shopping, and trying to keep my current one running in the meantime. Hopefully, by next weekend, I'll have a new one (I've got a couple prospects). My spring purchases were supposed to be: laptop, condo, bed (yes Jay Jay - bed!), and then car but priorities have shifted a bit as the car has started to slide into perdition. Using a rental last weekend to drive north was great, and really made me realize how shitty my car is.
So, if anyone has felt ignored or neglected because I've been bad with email, I'm sorry. Hopefully things will ease up soon.
In positive news, I've got some exciting potential work ahead, which will involve some research and a lot of writing (fun, fun fun!!). It's just in the initial stages and I don't want to jinx it, but it could be good.
I'm going out for a walk now - it's so warm here, definitely feels like spring. Hopefully it won't rain again - my car window is stuck in the down position. Piece of crap.
Piece of shit car.