Blame Mass Effect

Jun 18, 2009 10:10

Endless categorization, this is what my life consists of.  Imposing pointless order on the chaos of life.  It is because of this that I present the ABC's of Alien Species!

A is for Asari
B is for Borg
C is for Cthulhi
D is for Decapodian
E is for Ewok
F is for Ferengi
G is for Gungan
H is for Hutt
I is for Ilwrath
J is for Jawa
K is for Klingon
L is for Lombax
M is for Melmacian
N is for Nibblonian
O is for Orkan
P is for Prothean
Q is for Quarian
R is for Romulan
S is for Salarian
T is for Turian
U is for Uncreated
V is for Vulcan
W is for Wookiee
X is for Xenomorph
Y is for Yautja
Z is for Zerg
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