[Scans & Media] chuchu 2008.02, TV Life 2008.01.19-02.01 & LIPS perf super HQ

Jan 18, 2008 06:22

※ chuchu 2008.02

Download (true size): ShareonAll | Zshare | Megaupload

※ TV Life 2008.01.19-02.01

Download (true size): ShareonAll | Zshare | Megaupload

Source: 44kimsj & 上田舞花

※ 2008.01.12 [KAT-TUN SP] LIPS performance super HQ

1440 x 810 version

Download: Divshare { .001 | .002 | .003 }
Megaupload { .001 | .002 | .003 }
ShareonAll { .001 | .002 | .003 }
Zshare { .001 | .002 | .003 }
960 x 540 version

Download: Divshare { .001 | .002 }
Megaupload { .001 | .002 }
ShareonAll { .001 | .002 }
Zshare { .001 | .002 }

Credit: cashmere for 1440x810 version & @me for 960x540 version.

※ 2008.01.02 [World Record Baseball] Kame Part (1024x576)

Download: http://www.divshare.com/download/3500456-1d2
Megaupload { .001 | .002 }
ShareonAll { .001 | .002 }
Zshare { .001 | .002 }

grrr the weather is super cool at here >__< *headache* my throat hurts & I had a light fever u-u

EDIT: A UNKNOWN BASTARD reported me with Divshare & my account was deleted. So no divshare link work from now on. I'll consider about re-uploading but I don't promise anything.

% super high quality, # kame-chan, performance 2008, @ show: tv show, @ video: performance, magazine 2008, show 2008

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