Jan 07, 2010 21:06
So here I am again. I'll try to make this entry a little bit more detailed than my last few, which have been really just examples that I'm alive.
So I've been working at White Aluminum, the company my dad manages, in the warehouse. Part time, about 20-25 hours a week. It's been good so far. Kept me busy, while still giving me free time. Having a paycheck again is very nice as well. The even bigger news is that my dad wants to train me to be a field supervisor. They basically go out to prospective job sites, measure everything, and then do drawings and order the material necessary for the job. It's a big responsibility, and I'll be in charge of ordering things correctly, and making sure things are done correctly. A mistake can cost the company thousands of dollars, so there will be pressure to perform. My predecessor is being let go because he is costing the company too much money. However, there is a significant pay increase, to a salary that may be over 50k a year, which is just mind-boggling to me. There will be a lot of work required, a lot of homework and studying, but I can't turn it down. I know I wouldn't make near that much anywhere else. I wouldn't even get a job offer for half that much. It's exciting and scary at the same time. I'm making a commitment to staying in this area for a significant amount of time, probably at least a few years. I wouldn't know where else I would go. I can always move closer to Orlando, and still have just a reasonable drive to work. Or after a few years go somewhere else, with a sizable amount of savings built up. It might also mean cutting my hair, which I don't really want to do, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make if I have to.
Otherwise, not a whole lot happening. My Christmas and New Year's was good. On the female front, I don't really know what's happening. I've been thinking about joining match.com. We'll see.